
Baby wipes, Dash Dandy, Brisk and mr muscle glass cleaner,

Outside jet wash, as for polishing it’s a no go, i have to swing from my mirrors to clean my door windows :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

cleaning is womens work, ask them

Some lemon smelling stuff for the inside, don’t know what it is but when you complain a cab is dirty they hand you a bottle of it :smiling_imp: I keep kitchen roll and asda glass cleaner in my bag so I can clean the mirrors and side windows. Outside gets done in the vehicle wash or by me with a jetwash if it’s bust. Usually jetwash the inside of the body if it needs doing. As we drive whatever we’re given when we turn up I make sure its clean when I take it out and leave it the same way when I come back. The other drivers can do what they like but I’m not driving a tip every day.

cleaning is womens work, ask them

PMSL am no biting :smiling_imp:

Am off for 3 days and dreading what state my cab is going to be in… my worst hate of all is drivers using my door as a bin, half eating
fruit just turns my stomach… :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Inside i use babywipe’s/son of a gun and lidl glass polish

Outside with a jetwash at base and a very strong detergent called delta force-serious stuff,it burns your hands but does a great job.

Little trick with detergent,put some in a spray nozzel bottle and apply to wheels and other hard to clean places then powerwash off.

I clean the brakedust off the rims with brillo pads every 6 months.

London Power Wash or Tank Clean for the outside :wink: baby wipes,WD40,Mr Muscle,Pledge and an air duster for the inside :smiley:

Try Mr Sheen on the OUTSIDE!!

Its brilliant, use it on the motorbike, leaves a stain free shine, beeswax is a fantastic natural wax, water just runs straight off, used it on my wagon and still use it on the car…