
Got my new truck today and wanted to know what the best cleaning stuff I should get including leather cleaner

Ps Nice truck!

That’s better it kept sliding down the screen :wink:
I use washing up liquid

nice rig m8 is that a tnt trl on the back i just use little bit fairly liq in bucket with sponge in hand then rinse of as for inside buff buff buff lemon/citrus polish leave it on 5mins then wipe of with kitchen towel rag clothes no good . and no smoking no shoes no slappers :smiley:

Get a hold of some pink mega clean window cleaner slick mist from is it a wee bit pricey but works a treat leather cleaner would not bother with it just wipe with a damp cloth and nice new toy you have :wink:

Thanks guys. Yeah it’s very nice

nice rig m8 is that a tnt trl on the back i just use little bit fairly liq in bucket with sponge in hand then rinse of as for inside buff buff buff lemon/citrus polish leave it on 5mins then wipe of with kitchen towel rag clothes no good . and no smoking no shoes no slappers :smiley:

Yes it’s a tnt trailer. For bonus points where am I


Re: washing up liquid. Did you mean on the paintwork or for windows, etc?

Every time I see these mark Thompson wagons I get massive truck envy.

Every time I see these mark Thompson wagons I get massive truck envy.

Every time I see one I have to check I’m doing 56mph, as the way they come past it makes me feel as if I’m doing about 50.

What should you get for cleaning…
I found an au pair girl is the best thing …least effort and maximum perving pleasure .
Sorry Ladies , just a man thing !!!