Cleaning Up Tanks

Hi all, wondering if there any products that are good for cleaning up tanks and catwalks and the like?

I’m not talking about polishing, but just smartening up a bit. Something that can be sprayed on and scrubbed when its going through the wash for example?

Any suggestions appreciated, cheers.


Standard alloy cleaner does the job, suppose alloy wheel cleaner would do the trick if you can’t get to a chemical store.

You usually buy it in concentrated form and thin it down with water according to taste…no don’t taste it for crying out loud… :open_mouth: :laughing: , apply a film with a spray bottle (alloy wheel cleaner from an accessory shop will already be diluted so an expensive way to buy), allow it to soak then agitate with a brush, then rinse off and see how it looks back to bare alloy.
Might take a few goings over and a rather more concentrated mix for scabby alloy that’s not been cared for many years.

Once back to clean alloy refer to tank polishing thread :wink:

Cheers for that, I’ll give it a bash and see if I can get my AutoSmart guy to get us some concentrate if it works well.

My tank is too big for a bone idle shirker like me to polish :laughing: maybe I can hire a child or something to do it.


have no affiliation, but i get all the chemicals i need from

Allbrite is the alloy cleaner i use, try not to inhale the fumes from any alloy cleaner.

I get AutoSmart at mates rates but cheers for the link!

If I have time to hit the wash this week I’ll try get them scrubbed up.
