Class C Training Week Diary

Well today was my first days training on class C trucks.

Day got off to an odd start when it turns out my girlfriend had set the alarm an hour later than I needed to get up, fortunately I had woken up way before I needed to get up anyway.

Get in my car and the crack on the windscreen has grown another inch \o/.

Driving there in my car and all of a sudden a chunk of wood is flipped back at my car and before I could react goes under my wheels with a huge crash, I pull over at the next layby to inspect for damage, fortunately none was found and the tyre was not damaged. I noticed then that the driver of a waste truck had pulled up to “resecure his load” sigh

Anyhow, get to the yard and I am paired up with a guy called either Alan or Andy (Referred to as Aldy from here onwards), I cant remember, nor can I remember the instructors name :smiley:

We set off around Norwich and the instructor takes us to the garage to fill up with fuel first, from then Aldy gets to drive, and I am impressed, I think he only caught one curb and was picking up everything nicely.

Then comes my turn, now the largest thing I have driven before is an Iveco long wheel base van, but thats nothing.

I dont think I missed a single curb, I was still in car mode, not figuring out how long the dammed thing was, wrong gears, slamming on the air brakes, when we stopped for lunch, I was thinking, OK I ■■■■ badly at this. I was so down, that I chainsmoked my way through lunch.

Not phased however, I gulped down my bacon and egg sarnie without getting it down myself, which I thought was a good omen.

Aldy is driving again now and he gets to practice going through the gears, up and down hill starts, and he doesnt hit a single curb. (Despite me asking him just to nick a couple to make me look better)

We had to then stop at the bank so the instructor could sort something out that had gone wrong with a payment or something.

The sun is shining, the women are wearing less clothes around the city, its a beautiful day. Its at this point I realise what my problem is.

Hunt around in my bag for a minute and voila Sun Glasses, Mr Cool is on the Road.

I am off again now, Aldy in the passenger seat and now I am aware that there is other things on the road :smiley: I am getting the gears right, not hestitating at roundabouts, despite cutting up a bus :smiley: phfft buses ■■■■ anyway.

I did manage to take out 3 cones at some narrow roadworks right on the edge of a roundabout and nicked the edge of a very flat curb, but all in all it was a very big improvement on the mornings run. I am getting my observation correct as well.

At the end of the day, I feel uplifted and ready to go another day, If I carry on my learning curve, I dont think I will have a problem passing.

So to conclude, today we learnt that.

  1. The crack in my windscreen is not going to stop growing.
  2. Trucks are longer than cars.
  3. Cones are good fun to run over, but only once test is passed.
  4. Car drivers are morons (this I already knew though)
  5. Air brakes are very sharp.
  6. Bikes are annoying.
  7. Respect is due to truck drivers, I knew it would be hard, but you do a damned hard job, especially the arctics.
    :sunglasses: Mirrors can be used for things other than checking hair is tidy.
  8. Aldy is a better name than either Andy or Alan.

Also when I got back I had a reply to an email that I sent to a local company and they have offered me an interview when I pass my test to be driving Class C motors, then looking to move up to C+E when I feel more confident.

Bring on tomorrow

Chin up dude.

WIDE ANGLE MIRRORS are your best and only friend in this world. Well after your rifle…useful should pirates or ninjas attack.

Just look in the wide angle mirror when you go round a corner. Use that to gauge where you steer. There is no point in pointing the front of the lorry anywhere is you dont know where the back is.

I kerbed it a lot on the first day.

Trust me, slow it down. Use that wide angle mirror to see where the kerb is and relax. If you are close to the kerb losen the lock, if wide tighten it.

You will be fine come test day.

Top post Dogmatix. Looks like the sense of humour remained intact.


Not your milk tanker parked on it’s side at Dog Kennel Lane roundabout then?

Sounds like you are having fun :slight_smile: - the more the fun the better the learning :wink:
these are for you :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: & a peaked cap works great too…seriously

Sounds like you got off to a good start mate.

Nice one.

I remember reading on here some time ago an excellent quote regarding kerbs. It was something like,

‘Kerbs are like fiteen year old girls; you can brush up against them, but you must not mount them…’

I like it, anyway!! :laughing:

Paint is your friend - kerb is your enemy

‘Kerbs are like fiteen year old girls; you can brush up against them, but you must not mount them…’

I like it, anyway!! :laughing:

:imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

‘Kerbs are like fiteen year old girls; you can brush up against them, but you must not mount them…’

I was going to post that one when I’d got to the bottom of the page but you beat me to it.

Dogs original post gave me a good laugh though.

Training Day 2 - Wrath of Roundabouts

Welcome to my daily waffle about my training, I am so exhausted I am barely awake but I hope this is still readable.

First lets get the most important item out of the way, the crack on my windscreen has increased by another inch. My current aim is to pass before it reaches the other side.

Had a good start to the day, listening to Mr Moyles on radio 1 ban Jordan from coming in, put a smile on my face whilst driving.

First thing we went around the truck going over a few questions we might be asked on test day, I could remember nowt, so failed that miserably, but it will sink in, I dont have trouble with remembering facts.

We then signed our sheets for yesterday, his notes where that I improved throughout the day, which I believe is correct.

I am bold today so decide to go first to drive, spent a bit of time struggling with the gearbox getting it into 5th, I kept getting reverse, so decided to just ignore 5th and do block changes from 4th to 6th.

Had a nice and easy drive out to the airfield where we was to do our reversing practice. He ran through what he wanted us to do, I was a bit puzzled and had hoped that Aldy would be going first, but no luck. So I stepped upto the plate and with a few practices, I have that nailed, going backwards is easy, shame they wont let me do that instead of going forwards.

Roundabouts, oh where to start, I have finally got over the clipping the curbs on them, the problem I have now is anticipation, our instructor has told us to use other vehicles coming around the roundabout for our opportunity to get out, but this goes against everything I have ever done on roundabouts, I never ever rely on other vehicles, mainly because they rarely do what they say they are going to do. But I try his method and end up cutting up a car and a bus :frowning:

Aldy doesnt seem to have this problem, whenever he gets to a round about its empty, yesterday his driving was far better than mine, but I think I am catching up.

Apparently I have a tendency to weave when over taking parked cars, I should be staying out and letting the other cars move over, but it just doesnt feel right to me, and when I do try this way of doing things, I end up doing it at the wrong time.

The instructor commented that I was quite tense during my second stint at the wheel, I think this is because of the atmosphere in the cab, dont get me wrong the instructor is a nice guy, and very friendly. But its just so formal and strict, if he lightened the mood a bit, then I could relax, a joke here or there, a smile etc etc. Its probably just me, but I feel that I am being criticised more than Aldy, whether this is because I actually need it I dont know, but the Aldy gets more, well dones etc etc. That said, at the end of the day he said we both did some good driving today.

I think a lot of my problem is that I am still doing things in car mode, going for gaps that I would have no problem with in my car.

But I am still enjoying it and if I carry on improving then I am confident of being good enough for the test.

So what did we learn today.

  1. My instructors name is Phil.
  2. Roundabouts are evil.
  3. Parents picking up their kids are retards (I know lets cross the road from behind a bus with traffic coming past on the other side of the road)
  4. The truck I am driving is a DAF with 295bhp.
  5. Aldy is only going to do the class C because thats all he needs to drive a crane on the road for his company.
  6. Phil used to teach learner car drivers.
  7. Ogle the hot women when you are in the passenger seat, not the driving seat (until test passed of course)
    :sunglasses: Its easy to forget that you are in the high range in a 4 over 4 gear box if you stop in the high range.
  8. Check the blind spot, check the blonde, I mean blind spot.
  9. Reversing is easy as its nice and slow.
  10. Phil has driven to spain and finds motorway driving boring.
  11. The cheeseburgers at the cafe are better than the bacon and egg rolls.

Sounds like it is coming together. I am enjoying your daily reports, especially the list at the end of each one.

So what did we learn today.

  1. My instructors name is Phil.
  2. Roundabouts are evil.
  3. Parents picking up their kids are retards (I know lets cross the road from behind a bus with traffic coming past on the other side of the road)
  4. The truck I am driving is a DAF with 295bhp.
  5. Aldy is only going to do the class C because thats all he needs to drive a crane on the road for his company.
  6. Phil used to teach learner car drivers.
    7) Ogle the hot women when you are in the passenger seat, not the driving seat (until test passed of course)
    :sunglasses: Its easy to forget that you are in the high range in a 4 over 4 gear box if you stop in the high range.
  7. Check the blind spot, check the blonde, I mean blind spot.
  8. Reversing is easy as its nice and slow.
  9. Phil has driven to spain and finds motorway driving boring.
  10. The cheeseburgers at the cafe are better than the bacon and egg rolls.

Rule number one of being a truck driver:

ALWAYS use the laft hand lane when queueing in traffic. There is much more to see that way. :wink:

bit of a slip up my friend. the driver stopped to pick up the piece of wood ■■?. was that not the piece of wood that cracked your windscreen :bulb: :bulb: ■■. think about it.

Training Day 2 - Wrath of Roundabouts

I am bold today so decide to go first to drive, spent a bit of time struggling with the gearbox getting it into 5th, I kept getting reverse, so decided to just ignore 5th and do block changes from 4th to 6th.

Very enjoyable story Dogmatix + keep the lists at the end- they’re sooo good I nearly fell off the chair laughing :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:

A small pointer from an old hand: Truck gearboxes are very often problematic going into certain gears first thing in the morning. You shouldn’t feel badly about that, it’s very common and most probably not your fault.

TIP: Try and let Aldy drive first, then he can warm it up for you. :wink:

Keep up the good work :wink:

Roundabouts- my trainees favourite - NOT.
They look right at a RBT, they look right at a RBT, they look right at a RBT…WHY,WHY,WHY - if you cannot get out then look left or over it and see if those that are approaching are going into the road you are trying to exit from. You can use these as traffic BLOCKERS to hold the traffic from your right.
IF UNSURE - DO NOT GO. Better to get a minor on test for “undue hesitation” than a “serious” or “dangerous” for pulling out in front of another road user and causing them to change speed or direction.

Training day 3 - The Search for Sixth

In a SHOCK development, the crack on my windscreen has not moved since yesterday.

Well today has been my best so far imo, I am very pleased with what I am doing, and with that tiny extra bit of focus on test day, I should be there.

I decided to let Aldy go first today, just so that I could chill out and get into the “zone” and try to do today without any major mistakes. Aldy is doing well, according to Phil, he is ready for his test, there is not much more that can be done with him, hes got it perfected.

We did mock tests today, and Aldy went first as I mentioned, superb drive, only let down by his checking mirrors when braking (I have taught myself to look as soon as my foot hits the brake) he got 4 minors which is a fail, but he has corrected that in the afternoon session and is constantly checking the mirrors.

Then it was my turn, all started off well, moving swiftly and smoothly. Came up to a roundabout in 7th and meant to drop it into 6th, but got 8th instead, I could have done the round about in 6th, but I didnt realise I was in 8th until I had started to get around the roundabout, so I decided to leave it in 8th whilst I navigated the roundabout and then drop it down once I had straightened up, wrong decision, I should have corrected it straight away apparently, although I thought mine was the safer option rather than going one handed steering around the roundabout.

Continued on, and I could feel that this was a good run, I was getting my checking mirrors right, moving off right and then in one swift moment it all went down hill.

Coming up to a roundabout (For those of you that know Norwich, I am talking about the one at the top of St Stephens street) I moved over to early to the left hand lane to take the left turn and cut the corner off the bus lane. I went to take the corner, but I had not taken up enough of both lanes to stop traffic coming down the outside of me, a silver car came down and squeezed me and yep, up on the curb I went. ■■■■ I exclaimed, which prompted giggles from Aldy.

I knew what I had done wrong though and as soon as we stopped the test, I said to him before he could say anything what I had done wrong. I know now what to do in future.

In the afternoon I was asked to work on my gear changes as I am doing to many apparently. I believe this comes from my driving a diesel car where you cant get away with not changing gears like you can in a petrol (For example you could pull away in 5th in a petrol albeit not overly smooth, it would do it, in a diesel it would tell you to git tae ■■■■■■

But all in all a quite enjoyable day finished off with a perfect bit of reversing back into the yard through a narrow gate.

My aim tomorrow is to try and have a near as possible perfect couple of runs, I need to just add that little bit of focus to what I am doing before I get to junctions.

What we learnt today.

  1. Always correct and incorrect gear selection.
  2. Grey and Silver cars have a death wish.
  3. Pedestrians are still ■■■■■■■ stupid.
  4. ■■■■■ Michelle Marsh is appearing on Sunday and Lucy Pinder on Saturday at TruckFest this year.
  5. To take my time on ever corner, you cant fail for being careful, but you can for going to fast and messing it up.
  6. The cheese was a bit stingy on the burger today.
  7. Aldy likes onions eugh.
    :sunglasses: Phil likes his sudoku in the newspapers.
  8. Whilst I may enjoy humming when I am driving, it does not mean that everyone else in the cab does.
  9. My girlfriend seems to be able to snore and ■■■■ at the same time, much to my annoyance.
  10. My ■■■■■■■ cats and dog have ■■■■■■■ fleas that are biting the ■■■■ out of me, the little ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■. Hence why I am up early because I ■■■■■■■ itch.

Truck gearboxes are very often problematic going into certain gears first thing in the morning

I’ll second that, my Y reg Scanny with nearly 600K on the clock does not like 4th first thing in the morning.

Everything considered it sounds as is you are progressing and at least you know where you are going wrong. Use the time when Aldy is driving wisely, watch him, the road ahead etc and see waht he’s doing right / wrong. Female pedestrians are more appealing I’m sure but you;ll likely learn more from him than you realise.

10) My girlfriend seems to be able to snore and ■■■■ at the same time, much to my annoyance.

They do say women are better than blokes at doing two things at once :open_mouth:

You hold onto her now…she sounds a real catch! :wink: :smiley:

Training day 3 - The Search for Sixth

In a SHOCK development, the crack on my windscreen has not moved since yesterday.

Seems like you’re on a winner.

Well today has been my best so far imo, I am very pleased with what I am doing, and with that tiny extra bit of focus on test day, I should be there.

I knew what I had done wrong though and as soon as we stopped the test, I said to him before he could say anything what I had done wrong. I know now what to do in future.

You’re making good progress, it’s proved by the fact that you already know it.

But all in all a quite enjoyable day finished off with a perfect bit of reversing back into the yard through a narrow gate.

More proof of your progress :wink:

My aim tomorrow is to try and have a near as possible perfect couple of runs, I need to just add that little bit of focus to what I am doing

I’d say you’re doing really well. The focus you’re looking for will become second-nature over time. Another fine diary and list BTW. :laughing:

Training Day 4 - The Voyage to Yarmouth

Gutted, the windscreen crack had not moved this morning, however I rectified this by putting it through a car wash at the end of the day which got it going another inch.

Got off to a bad start today, was 10 minutes late due to the alarm not going off, then taking a short cut cross country, I come around a bend and find what appeared to be every single cow in Norfolk being moved across the road.

Nevermind, got there just as Phil and Aldy where walking out the motor having had a cup of coffee, I answered a few questions on checks on the motor. I think I will get the missus to test me on them tonight just to be sure.

I felt confident today, I know where my flaws are and I worked on them, only one mistake was at a roundabout where I was using the method of judging where cars are going that Phil said “watch their road position”. Im thinking I have only been driving 8 years, and I know that generally means ■■■■ all when it comes to the average car driver, point proven after a sudden stop.

Other than that, it was an excellent drive in my opinion, my best yet and Phil said that I had done well. We did some more reversing practice, thats dead easy, even if you misjudge something, you are going so slow you can correct it easily before its a problem.

Aldy took over the driving, and as we are getting to know the corners in Norwich, he instructed Aldy to go to Great Yarmouth (For those of you that dont know, Yarmouth is the Las Vegas of Norfolk, but ■■■■).

As we are making our way there at 40 mph we are on a nice open bit of road, thats marked as 50 for cars, I found myself wondering why is it 50 along here, must be to catch speeding cars easier I concluded.

Aldy does a good job around yarmouth and we head back to Norwich for lunch, the sun has come out and I thought I had got away with dozing off for 5 minutes behind my sun glasses, but apparently not as Aldy said I was catching flies.

Burger with bacon and cheese again today. I then managed to blag 5p off the total from the shop next door so I could buy Truck and Driver and some tabbaco, although I need not have bothered as my subscription for T&D came through today. Sods law, I now have 2 copies.

Afternoon driving starts, and I continued where I left off, good observation, no curbs hit, anticipation going well, only thing I got commented on was I was not far enough to the right, to turn right on a round about and I blocked the cars in the left lane. Fair enough it will cost me a mark on the test if it happens, but phfft ■■■■ car drivers.

Aldy drives again, and he is having a stinker, clipping curbs, making wrong decisions, Phil commented that he is probably tired. When I made mistakes though it was never suggested I was tired…

Anyway we are both fairly confident, but not over confident for tomorrow, Aldy is at 10.30 and I am at 2.30.

As a special surprise for tomorrow, I shall reveal to you all what Aldys name actually is.

What we learned today.

  1. Its difficult to sleep in a bouncing cab.
  2. Being confident in your own ability is very important.
  3. Over the week I have steadily improved, whereas Aldy was good very quickly, I hope he didnt peak to early or get over confident.
  4. Phil lives in a big farmhouse.
  5. My brother is going for a job interview to be a Postman :smiley: he couldnt navigate out of an empty room ffs, so I hope the people in Attleborough dont expect to be getting any correct mail soon.
  6. Paris Hiltons jail term is a joke and mocks the justice system, if it was any regular non newspaper tart then they would get the book thrown at them.
  7. 2 T&Ds, is not better than 1.

Also, whoever can guess what tomorrows diary will be called will win a copy of T&D*

Hint, I will not be modifying the name at all for tomorrows, oh and collection only of the magazine :wink: