Class C theory

Hi all

Am I able to sit my class C theory before a medical and provisional applied for.

If I’m quick I thick I could sit the theory before the changes in April…


The easiest way is to apply online for your Cat. C Theory Test @ Driving tests and learning to drive or ride - GOV.UK

The system will check to see from your Driving Licence Number whether you’re entitled to sit a Cat. C Theory Test - if you can’t then it will inform you that your licence doesn’t entitle you to do it.


Sound advice from The Lyonator - would expect the DSA to say yes - after all it makes them money! lol

I did my theory test in February past. When I arrived at the test centre, the first thing they did was to make sure I had my licence ‘upgraded’ with the Class C entitlement on it, before I sat the test.

I could be wrong, but I would assume that you need to prove that you are entitled to drive that class of vehicle, ( i.e. medical, licence upgrade)before you could take the theory test on it.
( Unless of course… the rules are different on the mainland than here in Northern Ireland)

No doubt Rog, or another instructor could clarify.

You can’t book a theory test unless you have applied for the provisional entitlement for that category. To get the provisional entitlement you must have first passed the medical.
At least thats how I understood it and that is the route I took.
When I tried to book my theory online, before the provisional entitlement was in place I was unable to do so.

Not wishing to contradict someone like Smart Mart but I was led to believe that you need: your medical, provisional Cat C entitlement then theory test in that order. As far as I know that’d a definite

You cannot take the theory until you actually have the prov. C on your licence. They ask your driver no. when you book the test and check your entitlement then.

you need: your medical, provisional Cat C entitlement then theory test in that order. As far as I know that’d a definite

Yep. that is a definite. No theory booking without the Cat C provisional entitlement on the licence.

Has anyone ever tried to book a theory test before they have the C provisional entitlement on their licence.

What about if someone wants to take a C1 test, is that the same rule.

All I was saying was in support of The Lyonator, in as much as if you try to book it then you will find out if it is possible, or not.

Thats why I wonder if anyone has tried it. I’m not recommending it because if for some reason the medical was failed or licence not issued there would be no point in having done the theory anyway.

Smart Mart:
Has anyone ever tried to book a theory test before they have the C provisional entitlement on their licence.

As I said in my first post:

When I tried to book my theory online, before the provisional entitlement was in place I was unable to do so.

If I’m quick I thick I could sit the theory before the changes in April…

From getting the medical carried out to getting the provisional entitlement to booking and passing the theory took me 19 days. If you want to get it done before the number of questions are increased then you need to start moving now.

slightly off topic but i am doing my cat c test in may and as i have already passed my theory for my 7.5 2 years ago i was of the understanding i wont have to retake it ■■?



slightly off topic but i am doing my cat c test in may and as i have already passed my theory for my 7.5 2 years ago i was of the understanding i wont have to retake it ■■?



Sounds right to me, if you needed a theory for your C1 test you won’t need to do another.

If you have C1 theory then you do not have to do it for C :smiley:

If you have C1 theory then you do not have to do it for C :smiley:

My instructur to be says that i do have to take another theory. The expiry date on the theory that i took for my c1 was feb 20 2008 , two years after passing. I always thought that it lasted longer than two years■■? Plz help as i dont want to get to test day and be turned away .




If you have C1 theory then you do not have to do it for C :smiley:

My instructur to be says that i do have to take another theory. The expiry date on the theory that i took for my c1 was feb 20 2008 , two years after passing. I always thought that it lasted longer than two years■■? Plz help as i dont want to get to test day and be turned away .



Did you take and pass your C1 practical test? If you did then I can’t see why you’d need to take another theory test :confused: If you didn’t then you will need another theory as they are only valid for two years.

My instructor to be says that i do have to take another theory.

NO NO NO - I phoned DVLA on this subject and if you took and passed the theory for C1 then you DO NOT have to do it again for C. CE does not require a theory for the same reason as the theory has either been done on C1 or C (but, of course, to do CE, you have to pass C practical)

Your driving theory test certificate has the exipy date on the top left-hand corner. As mrpj states, it’s only valid until this date, then you must resit it again.

Your driving theory test certificate has the exipy date on the top left-hand corner. As mrpj states, it’s only valid until this date, then you must resit it again.

Did I miss something on this thread :question: :blush: :blush:

Has the theory been done and the C1 test passed?
If YES, then the theory does not need to be done for C.

NO, I think I have!
Has the practical test been sat and passed?