Class 2 tramping

Is there much call for it?

I am only asking as I always thought that would be mainly class 1 (old money) stuff.


I for one tramp in class 2, including runs abroad aswell. Suspect there’s a lot more class 2 trampers than you think & the money’s better than a lot of class 1 day work in the north east where I’m based from, so win win situation for me u guess:-)

Where I work we do upto 4 nights out a week. We cover all UK and Eire. Not strictly tramping more a milk round. We have 7.5t, 18t, 26t and artic. So there is def a call for it.

Cheers guys, I get a night or two out a week in mine, not exactly tramping but I can see why people would choose this as a job :wink:

Earthline have tipper trampers; Most do 4 nights away per week.
I’ll fight to keep my day cab.

I enjoy the peace and quiet, only me the Mrs and an 8 year old in my house but its a lively place in the best possible way but I have always enjoyed a bit of solitude.
The money is welcome too :laughing: