Class 2 training completed, test tomorrow

I’ve got the big day tomorrow, I’m feeling pretty good about it, I had my last 4 hour lesson today, practically no mistakes, no big ones anyway. I don’t think I’ll be too nervous. All I can do is my best and hopefully not slip up, I’ll be doing my test at Guildford.

Good luck for your test…

I`m back at Guilford for a re-test pretty soon…

Just a tip…a fair number of people fail the test as soon as they come out of the test centre for pulling out in front of people…even though they`re some way off ! the footpath there too :wink:

best of luck m8 :smiley:

have a good drive .good luck for your test

you will walk it :smiley: :smiley:

but just in case you better take a truck :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck Spinergy :smiley:

Very best of luck :smiley:

Thank you very much everyone, I shall post my result tomorrow.

Just a tip…a fair number of people fail the test as soon as they come out of the test centre for pulling out in front of people…even though they`re some way off ! the footpath there too :wink:

Thanks for the tip, I should be ok as my instructor took me to the test centre on most days of my training so I know what to expect, best of luck on your re-test.

Good luck

good luck mate u can do it :laughing:

Hope you cracked it.

I passed with 5 minors :smiley: it feels like a big weight has been lifted, I can enjoy my weekend now, thank you all for your kind words, this site has helped me greatly with everybody’s invaluable tips and info. And yes I’ll be starting all over again with class 1 soon

well done mate got mine beginning of april [zb]ing myself :laughing:

Congratulations !

well done on your pass :slight_smile:

CONGRATULATIONS SPINERGY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Have you done your fastrack course yet ?
When’s you practical training ?

I start my practical training tommorrow morning 5 days, test Friday


CONGRATULATIONS SPINERGY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: