Class 2 practical PASS!

Hi Guys,

Just a quick update -

I Passed my Class 2 Practical first time. Two faults…and a massive ticking off from the examiner!

“You were too close and too fast at that corner. You pulled it back in time before it became an immediate fail”
Examiner was absolutely correct. Even without him giving the location I knew exactly where I messed it up. If I’d been on the brakes 2 seconds earlier I would have had full control. Stupid stupid error. Totally my fault.

“I asked you to follow signs for ■■ you pulled out into the middle lane of the motorway. You almost caused a car to brake. That could have been a serious error”
Again, examiner was absolutely correct. The test route we took was within 3 miles of my home. I have been driving these roads for years! for some reason, today, I thought it was a slip road for an earlier exit. It wasn’t. I’m going to put this one down to nerves.

He did complement me on my mirror observation. He was very impressed with that.

Two pieces of advice I’d offer to guys looking to do their class 2 -

  1. Class 2 is easy
    DO NOT listen to anybody that tells you “it’s a piece of cake” It isn’t. It’s a real test. You can and will fail without proper preparation.

  2. Mirrors. Mirrors. Mirrors…and mirrors!
    Did you check your mirror? Are you sure? Did the examiner see you check your mirror?
    CHECK YOUR MIRRORS!! Check it again. And again. And again…

I’m pretty sure I spent more time looking behind me than in front of me for an entire hour. It’s a really odd way of driving and something I’m not entirely used to.

Your body and mind will resist every attempt to drive this way. Don’t fight it. Listen to your instructor. Be calm. Do what you were taught.

In case you were wondering, I trained with Enterprise in Manchester. They were local to me and seem to have a good reputation on here. I had two different instructors. First one was good, second one was absolutely amazing!

First two days, guy was chatty. Second two days, second guy sat there and said nothing but instruction and technique. Personally, I prefer direct instruction and direction (you have knowledge I want, give it me!) Although saying that, first guy did build up my confidence to drive. Maybe that’s their plan?

Yeah, that reverse thing…I honestly don’t know what to say about that. LOL

And don’t forget to look over your shoulder before pulling off!

Class 1 next :slight_smile:



Congrats!! I definitely need to check my mirrors waaaay more often. I’m there at Enterprise now since Monday. My test is on Friday so I hope I can pass it, I’ve only been a driver for barely a year so doing a truck and going out on the road is harder but with these lessons I’ve gotten much much better.

Congrats!! I definitely need to check my mirrors waaaay more often. I’m there at Enterprise now since Monday. My test is on Friday so I hope I can pass it, I’ve only been a driver for barely a year so doing a truck and going out on the road is harder but with these lessons I’ve gotten much much better.

Hi Smokey,

I hope you’re enjoying the lovely weather with a few well earned beers.

Did you pass?

I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping for a ‘yes’



Congrats!! I definitely need to check my mirrors waaaay more often. I’m there at Enterprise now since Monday. My test is on Friday so I hope I can pass it, I’ve only been a driver for barely a year so doing a truck and going out on the road is harder but with these lessons I’ve gotten much much better.

Hi Smokey,

I hope you’re enjoying the lovely weather with a few well earned beers.

Did you pass?

I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping for a ‘yes’


Unfortunately I failed with 2 serious and 3 minors. I was a nervous wreck despite passing the questions and reverse exercise.

I was making my way besides parked cars and another truck came through the opposite lane and I tried to squeeze past him when I should’ve stopped. Its taken a huge blow to my confidence even though I passed all my other modules first time. I’ll take a retest eventually!



Congrats!! I definitely need to check my mirrors waaaay more often. I’m there at Enterprise now since Monday. My test is on Friday so I hope I can pass it, I’ve only been a driver for barely a year so doing a truck and going out on the road is harder but with these lessons I’ve gotten much much better.

Hi Smokey,

I hope you’re enjoying the lovely weather with a few well earned beers.

Did you pass?

I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping for a ‘yes’


Unfortunately I failed with 2 serious and 3 minors. I was a nervous wreck despite passing the questions and reverse exercise.

I was making my way besides parked cars and another truck came through the opposite lane and I tried to squeeze past him when I should’ve stopped. Its taken a huge blow to my confidence even though I passed all my other modules first time. I’ll take a retest eventually!

Mate, I’m gutted for you.

My instructor told me they’re called “license killers” other people doing things that you just can’t predict.

Don’t wait too long to resit. I’m heading back shortly for my class 1 training. Send me a PM and let’s see if we can meet up for a cup of tea before training.

You can do it.