Class 2 - day 4

There really isnt a lot to say about today except it was a lot better than today… :blush:
Drove round a few test routes (and yes Lee it was wing mirror alley :laughing: ), didnt go too badly except I fluffed a gear change in Botley where Im not sure what happened - either I forgot to switch the range change or I did and my left knee hit it) and I attempted to pull away from a junction in 7th and I got a bit flustered after that :blush:
One thing I really really really must remember to check my right hand blindspot before moving from a standing start :blush:
Im starting to get a tad nervous about my test now… :open_mouth:

Im starting to get a tad nervous about my test now… :open_mouth:

“KALM down dear, it’s only a test”
:wink: :laughing: :laughing:


Im starting to get a tad nervous about my test now… :open_mouth:

“KALM down dear, it’s only a test”
:wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Yep, they’re all ready to go tomorrow… :laughing:
In the 2 hours Ive got before the test Im going to (try) and iron out the niggly little things… :blush:

and yes Lee it was wing mirror alley :laughing:

did you clip anything going the other way? or mow the bushes?

best of luck tomorrow. one way i managed the blindspot (i didnt start to remember it until friday as well) was try to get yourself to think you cant get going without touching the window with your head.

take your time and stay calm mate.

let us all know how you get on.

ps, how was your kebab?

ps, how was your kebab?

Apart from having one ■■■■■■ off brother about my lateness, not too bad… :laughing:
And somehow I managed a complete circle from the Solent Busisness Centre to the other side of the road after the signs for the A33 sort of disappeared :blush:
Still, 25 minutes from the M271 to Basingstoke wasnt that bad… :laughing: :laughing:

… didnt go too badly except I fluffed a gear change in Botley where Im not sure what happened - either I forgot to switch the range change or I did and my left knee hit it) and I attempted to pull away from a junction in 7th and I got a bit flustered after that :blush:

:grimacing: :unamused: … and after me spending all that time explaining that there’s a difference between a gearbox and a juke box. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Sorry mate, I couldn’t resist that… :blush: :blush: :blush:

Sounds like you’re about there mate, good luck on your test :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re about there mate, good luck on your test :slight_smile:

Test was today and as we have not heard anything…


Sounds like you’re about there mate, good luck on your test :slight_smile:

Test was today and as we have not heard anything…

Just posted ROG… :wink: