class 1

Getting a bit fed up at my current job and really want to upgrade my licence.Just wondered if anybody on here could recommend a “good” driving school.Preferably i would like one to one training and i dont mind travelling further afield and stopping in digs.There are only a couple around my area and dont think they do the one to one thing

see rog, who will pick this up sooner than later.

tockwith training at york, have a really high pass rate and its one to one.

JSM Training at Gainsbourgh Linc, they even have digs available and do one to one.

Gainsborough and York are rather a long way from Chester, just for a week or so of training.

I can recommend town and country in the Knowsley area. Myself and 3 mates have done a total of 7 tests and have resulted in 6 first time passes.

My instructor was good …If you did good he sat and did the cross word , if you ■■■■■■ up he rolled it up and threw it at you and went ■■■■■■■ mad :laughing: :laughing:
Passed with 2 minors :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Tamworth …

Getting a bit fed up at my current job and really want to upgrade my licence.Just wondered if anybody on here could recommend a “good” driving school.Preferably i would like one to one training and i dont mind travelling further afield and stopping in digs.There are only a couple around my area and dont think they do the one to one thing

see rog, who will pick this up sooner than later.

Well. a bit later than sooner this time - I needed my beauty sleep :laughing:

Smiler, If you can do all day on 1 to 1 then good but remember it is intensive - not just ‘driving’ - you are trying to do a whole day of assimilating information.
Recommendations are best taken from those who have recently trained and you have good replies in the above posts.
Staying in digs is a great idea - all your concentration is focussed on the task with little distractions - if you get a training company with a reversing area on their premises then you may get to ‘play’ at the end of each day as a free extra :wink: :smiley:

The majority on this site recommend you take your CE training & test in an artic and not a wagon & drag as that is what you are most likely to be driving and is one less thing to be concerned with on your first day of a new job.

Have a look at these…

If you click on the link in my signature and scroll down a bit, you will find the on-test safety questions which you can print off - you will be asked TWO of them on the CE test.

The ‘pivot point’ of an artic trailer is the forward axle of a tandem trailer and the middle axle of a tri-axle trailer. The pivot points are controlled by the opposite steering wheels on the unit - n/s pivot point controlled by o/s/f unit wheel.

Start practicing your DSA procedures in your current truck NOW

I can recommend town and country in the Knowsley area. Myself and 3 mates have done a total of 7 tests and have resulted in 6 first time passes.

I did my training with them too, excellent company

0151 531 7039

hi, Chevron Training were good for me, in Flint. Passed both my C & D first time (within 5 days!) with them :smiley:

Cheers for all the replies will ring Knowsley tomorrow no time today bit of a mad one :smiley:

Based in Manchester, very helpful and sorted me out.

Wow are you my long lost twin? !! :open_mouth: i’m in exact the same position as you, kinda fed up of my current position considering going for my class 1 as well.

Check it out, we’ve even got the same number of posts! (well not quite, but almost) Spooky lol :laughing:

anyway good luck man.