CLASS 1 Training

Hi everyone, (Wirral, North West)

Could any one tell me if I can get training for my class 1, I am 25 with a clean class 2 and adr licence. Although my licence is clean my credit history aint so ive tried loans and schemes from the likes of Sterling and clearstone.

I have just had to leave my last job to look after my 3yr old son who has severe learning difficulties but as soon he is in school I want to get back to work.

I have 4 class 1 jobs lined up but no one is willing to help. If anyone out there whose how I can reach my goal in life whether it is a job with training or grants.

I have 4yrs experince as a class 1 shunter and 3 years class 2 adr driving.

Please can anyone help


Hi everyone, (Wirral, North West)

Could any one tell me if I can get training for my class 1, I am 25 with a clean class 2 and adr licence. Although my licence is clean my credit history aint so ive tried loans and schemes from the likes of Sterling and clearstone.

I have just had to leave my last job to look after my 3yr old son who has severe learning difficulties but as soon he is in school I want to get back to work.

I have 4 class 1 jobs lined up but no one is willing to help. If anyone out there whose how I can reach my goal in life whether it is a job with training or grants.

I have 4yrs experince as a class 1 shunter and 3 years class 2 adr driving.

Please can anyone help


**:D :smiley: :smiley: Welcome K.Adams :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:**

If you click the link in my signature it will lead you to an index where you can access a lot of info which may be of use to you :smiley: :smiley:

Surprised to find this in this forum but hey ho :exclamation: :slight_smile:
If you read the other posts (search facility - top of page) on clearstone and sterling you may thank your lucky stars :exclamation: :exclamation:

Afew others have asked the same question in the newbies forum and it seems that you have to be ‘in’ with an employer or agency that will upgrade you along with a fixed term contract if they do.

The only thing I can suggest is that you shop around for a training school with reasonable rates.
Thers is little or no funding available for tis sort of thing - unless you have been on the dole or sick and on benefits for over six months. Then it depends on where you live as some benefit offices give em out and others dont.
Worth asking though.

Hi K Adams and welcome
I,m afraid its a case of hunting around the companies, there are companies out there beleive me, its a case of finding them. There will be guys that may give you some more info on this forum.
Your only 25 so don,t be in to much of a rush to find something it may be a case of working for a reputable firm for a year or so first who would then give you the chance of training.

PS> Try not to mention Clearstone it doesn,t go down to well in the forums :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wish you the best of luck :smiley:

Welcome to the mad house

If you are lookin after your son why dont you sing on for Income support also look into DLA for him but also you as a carer then when he is at school seek help going back to work it may be a better way of funding