Class 1 training

Could anybody tell me of any subsidised training for class 1 maybe a government scheme or something.

I recently asked the question for Class 2 down at the Job Centre and was looked at like the Alien’s have landed. Best I have heard of are career development loans which was no real use to me… … …

… … although if you find out differently let please tell all !!


:slight_smile: Wharty,welcome to TruckNet.
Not too far from you on Winsford Ind. Est. is a firm called S. Cooper.(Red curtainsiders, mostly DAFs.)

They used to train class 2 drivers up to class 1, with conditions of course -maybe a 12 months contract or pay back some of the costs,etc. :frowning:

Might be one worth following up. :wink:

hi wharty i applied for a goverment grant through my employer they got all the detail,s and i paid around £120 for my class one i will try and get u some detail or ask ur local job centre

:slight_smile: Wharty,welcome to TruckNet.
Not too far from you on Winsford Ind. Est. is a firm called S. Cooper.(Red curtainsiders, mostly DAFs.)

They used to train class 2 drivers up to class 1, with conditions of course -maybe a 12 months contract or pay back some of the costs,etc. :frowning:

Might be one worth following up. :wink:

Have a look at the stobarts thread in this section (If you haven’t already :slight_smile: )

Hi all, second time here, first post, Passed my LGV 2 on the 7th of this month :laughing: , 2nd time, failed 1st time cos i left an indicator on for too long?,lol anyways i joined with an agency on thursday…Driver Hire, and started my 1st proper day out on friday…which ended up being quite good actually

anyways heres what driver hire offer for class 2 drivers…after 6-9 months you will be offered a licence upgrade to class 1 after earning 195 credits, right…so 1 shift (9hrs) = 1 credit, 1 credit = £4.00, 4 x 195 = £780, now driver hire will also add the rest of the cost of the training for you, and thats how you get your class 1 licence, apparently, anyone actually done this with this agence, if so let us know, thanks

Welcome ROGUE :slight_smile: . Glad to hear your first day went well!

thanks m8, yeah went well, delivered around chester on 1st day bit of a nightmare, only had 5 drops on all bread & confectionary all cages, and bread trays… i got arms like popeye now, lol

im used to 7.5 ton driving, so this was a bit of an eye opener for me, as on my lessons and test i had someone telling me what to do, as on my first day i was left to fend for myself :slight_smile:)

Welcome to TruckNet UK ROGUE and WHARTY :smiley: .
I am glad your first day went well ROGUE and I hope
the rest are just as good also good luck WHARTY with
the class 1 training.

welcome guys and welcome

Thanx convoy for the welcome, and to everyone else on this warm & friendly board, thanx again

Their is a sticky at the top of the forum, entitled Funding For Training, it could be you :wink:. Have a look and see if this helps. Welcome to TruckNetUK, the both of you.