im going to be moving to warrington soon and im trying to find out any leads for a job up there any ideas would be thankfully recieved,and is there any differance in pay rates from felixstowe hauilers say? ta
Look here.
Did read that Hunt Bros at Warrington were doubling the size of their fleet.
Not much help , I know, but its the best I can do.
Good Luck
any ideas would be thankfully recieved,
My best advice in that situation is a phone call to the local library asking if they hold/can locate, a directory of RHA members, and then follow up with a visit suitably kitted out with a notepad and pen.
Alternatively, if you can locate an Agency in your area with a Driver’s Section, that is also an RHA member. Give them a ring and ask if you can sit in their reception for an hour to scan through it. (Choose a day MID-week).
What’s in it for the Agency? Nothing, except that you go back and tell your mates how helpful they were and some months down the line, they get another customer.
any ideas would be thankfully recieved,My best advice in that situation is a phone call to the local library asking if they hold/can locate, a directory of RHA members, and then follow up with a visit suitably kitted out with a notepad and pen.
RHA Find a Haulier is online HERE
Do us a favour. Stick it in the Useful Links.
Depends what you want mate but if you want it easy try B&Q at Preston Brook if you dont mind having no nights a decent wage and and the odd trailer swap every now and then i would try there.
Its either Tibbet and Britten or ACR i,m not sure but either way you couldnt have it any easier than to work for either of them, there are occasions when you have to work over 10 hours in a day, but they are rare.
Baylis distribution are taking on days & Nights, 55 hrs p/w, 8quid an hr and then 74 a week shift allowance for nights.
currie european will be taking on soon, as they are expanding the fleet.
hope this helps
healthcare/ramage/malcoms/tnt at haydock are always wanting drivers… the shortage is begining to bite up here
dhl/walkers/burtons on birchwood too