Finally after a few meetings at the job centre and a meeting with the careers advice service I’ve been told that the funding for my class 1 licence has been authorised! Apparently they have big pot of cash to help retrain people who have been made redundant in the last 13 weeks. So hopefully with the expense of a new a family member in 7 weeks time I might finally have more chance of finding work
Finally after a few meetings at the job centre and a meeting with the careers advice service I’ve been told that the funding for my class 1 licence has been authorised! Apparently they have big pot of cash to help retrain people who have been made redundant in the last 13 weeks. So hopefully with the expense of a new a family member in 7 weeks time I might finally have more chance of finding work
I think that it excellent news for you, dpt. I doubt if they would fund someone of my age though.
Finally after a few meetings at the job centre and a meeting with the careers advice service I’ve been told that the funding for my class 1 licence has been authorised! Apparently they have big pot of cash to help retrain people who have been made redundant in the last 13 weeks. So hopefully with the expense of a new a family member in 7 weeks time I might finally have more chance of finding workI think that it excellent news for you, dpt. I doubt if they would fund someone of my age though.
I don’t see why not surely they can’t discriminate against age or anything else for that matter being a government department!
Good news for you, but a chronic waste of our tax money in my opinion.
Most of us have had to do ■■■■ jobs + overtime etc to save up enough to pay for your licences, or get a loan / credit card whilst doing same said crap job.
Some got it through the army or through a job, which is fine, perk of the job and a benefit.
But to give tax money away towards someones training…
My rant is not a reflection on you, it’s more about the country and it’s waste of tax payers money whilst constantly bleating about deficits and crap
Good news for you, but a chronic waste of our tax money in my opinion.Most of us have had to do [zb] jobs + overtime etc to save up enough to pay for your licences, or get a loan / credit card whilst doing same said crap job.
Some got it through the army or through a job, which is fine, perk of the job and a benefit.
But to give tax money away towards someones training…
My rant is not a reflection on you, it’s more about the country and it’s waste of tax payers money whilst constantly bleating about deficits and crap
I do agree with you in some respects. I do think though that if they paid for training to help people back into work it would cut the length of time people have to claim benefits and I’m of the opinion that whilst I’ve been working I’ve paid tax so I deserve something back for it all. I would have gone for the option of a loan or something along those lines but due to a bad relationship break up and being screwed financially that wasn’t an option. I can see what you mean though looking at it from the other side of the fence.
Good news for you, but a chronic waste of our tax money in my opinion.Most of us have had to do [zb] jobs + overtime etc to save up enough to pay for your licences, or get a loan / credit card whilst doing same said crap job.
Some got it through the army or through a job, which is fine, perk of the job and a benefit.
But to give tax money away towards someones training…
My rant is not a reflection on you, it’s more about the country and it’s waste of tax payers money whilst constantly bleating about deficits and crap
I completely agree and again no animosity towards the op but I can’t help but think that i had to save hard to put myself through my licenses when I was only on 250 quid a week back in 2009 and now my hard earn money is being spent to put someone else through it for nothing, sort of a kick in the teeth.
Having said that I didn’t have as many responsibilities as the op does, and we would only be moaning about the amount of unemployed on the doll anyway so good luck to him.
I hope that the O.P. passes and gets a job out of it.Anyone noticed how much the BBC have wasted on an I.T. system that doesnt work?
Excellent news for those that really want to do it like yourself, I hope they don’t role this out to the knobs that will do courses then do nothing with it. some people will sign on for several months, then they do a course, they can then sign on for several months.
Any more info would be appreciated, it’ll be something i could put to a good mate of mine. he was involved in a very bad accident some years back. He was an excellent tiler, but the accident put a stop to this.
Good news for you, but a chronic waste of our tax money in my opinion.Most of us have had to do [zb] jobs + overtime etc to save up enough to pay for your licences, or get a loan / credit card whilst doing same said crap job.
Some got it through the army or through a job, which is fine, perk of the job and a benefit.
But to give tax money away towards someones training…
My rant is not a reflection on you, it’s more about the country and it’s waste of tax payers money whilst constantly bleating about deficits and crap
With no disrespect to the op I totally agree here, it is a bit off a kick in the teeth to thoose who went without to save for it but atleast if you pass and go to work you have something out off it and my tax pays towards one less unemployed. I have worked since I was at school weekend school holidays the lot and have always found work no problem so I do sympathise with people who want to work and are struggling to find it I have no time for people who are happy to sit on there arse all day and catch a bus into town once a week to pick up there job seekers though, someone I know has been on job seekers for god knows how long he has just got a job only 16 hours a week mind so he doesn’t loose his benefits to be fair he is a single dad but what makes my blood boil is he gets a couple off hundred quid lump sum as a “well done” for finding a job and £9 a month or something like that for a year if he keeps it. Now this ■■■■■■ me off where’s my well done for working since I was 13 I’d rather my tax went to the op who wants to do something with his life then the people who don’t or the ones that get a “well done” ■■■■■ bonus!
Finally after a few meetings at the job centre and a meeting with the careers advice service I’ve been told that the funding for my class 1 licence has been authorised! Apparently they have big pot of cash to help retrain people who have been made redundant in the last 13 weeks. So hopefully with the expense of a new a family member in 7 weeks time I might finally have more chance of finding work
Any chance you can pm me some info on this, number to ring how long it takes to get authorised and do they choose the trainer?
I was going to pay for my class one out of my redundancy but if I can get funding then great only problem is that I have already booked it with a trainer (would this be a problem).
Thanks for the help
Good news for you, but a chronic waste of our tax money in my opinion.Most of us have had to do [zb] jobs + overtime etc to save up enough to pay for your licences, or get a loan / credit card whilst doing same said crap job.
Some got it through the army or through a job, which is fine, perk of the job and a benefit.
But to give tax money away towards someones training…
My rant is not a reflection on you, it’s more about the country and it’s waste of tax payers money whilst constantly bleating about deficits and crap
With no disrespect to the op I totally agree here, it is a bit off a kick in the teeth to thoose who went without to save for it but atleast if you pass and go to work you have something out off it and my tax pays towards one less unemployed. I have worked since I was at school weekend school holidays the lot and have always found work no problem so I do sympathise with people who want to work and are struggling to find it I have no time for people who are happy to sit on there arse all day and catch a bus into town once a week to pick up there job seekers though, someone I know has been on job seekers for god knows how long he has just got a job only 16 hours a week mind so he doesn’t loose his benefits to be fair he is a single dad but what makes my blood boil is he gets a couple off hundred quid lump sum as a “well done” for finding a job and £9 a month or something like that for a year if he keeps it. Now this ■■■■■■ me off where’s my well done for working since I was 13 I’d rather my tax went to the op who wants to do something with his life then the people who don’t or the ones that get a “well done” (zb) bonus!
I do understand totally were you and the others are coming from. I’ve worked myself since I was 14 all be it starting with a paper round before and after school. I wish I could have afforded to have had my class 1 by now but due to family circumstances its never been possible. If it takes the edge off it for anyone they don’t pay for any Tom ■■■■ or Harry to do it its purely for people who have been made redundancy and it has quite stringent requirements to be considered. I can’t wait till I don’t have to go and mingle with the guests from Jeremy Kyle once a fortnight. It’s more than depressing!
I’m also not keen on the idea but my anger is really directed at the government rather than the OP for taking advantage of it, I’m not sure anyone would say no if offered it. I think it does happen quiet a lot though as a trainer I was speaking to said a lot of trainees come via this route, mostly for class 2 I think though, it is a high unemployment area where he’s based mind.
lol good luck finding a Class One job with your new licence and zero experience.
I have a clean licence and plenty of experience and still have to graft at times to find regular work, I know many many many other experienced drivers in the same position.
Any wonder this country is screwed when they throw our tax payer money straight in the bin like this ■■
Hey I have an idea, why don’t we spend a good wedge of tax money training a driver to satisfy an already over saturated work force of cheap labour ?
Cut for you your gonna get your licence, just don’t expect it to be much use initially - if at all.
thanks for the pm dpt2011, i’ll pass on the info, thanks.
what an utter load of BS waste of money, this guy (congrats on getting the funding) has got off his rear and all others etc trying to get training to get a job and you lot say waste of taxpayers money? erm hang on how many immigrants come over get handouts get Housing benefits don’t pay a penny in tax, don’t do a days work, then go on the underground beg or steal rob burgal ■■■■ etc then F off back to own country etc.
I had to pay for my licence but I do not begrude anyone.
What next you going to slate people who are disabled for using NHS even though they have never been able to pay NI due to being ill!