Class 1 Fowler Welch Apprenticeship

Anybody wanting to be put through their class 1 training and test for free might want to take a look at the Fowler Welch Apprenticeship ( Closing date very, very soon ! ), apparently available at 5 different depots across the country.

However the work life they offer might well not be for most people and you might also want to check out the reviews of what it’s like working there first, personally it’s not something I would do, I’d rather get myself along to Peter Smythe Transport Training instead but there you are, each to their own, I thought it might help somebody out.



Link to screen shot 1 … ip-scheme/

Link to screen shot 2 … test-film/

Link to drivers reviews … uck+Driver

Make sure you read the drivers reviews so you know what you are getting yourself in for first, apparently there is regular planned 15 hour days and waiting around for loads can range between 4-8 hours per day.

Still, if you are looking for your class 1 licence for free it might very well interest you.

Just a word of caution. Very often you’ll find that whilst the training is “free” it comes after several months of graft for less than the going rate and then comes with tie - in clauses. And who knows what the rate will be on completion?

I’m not referring to Fowler Welch specifically and anyone should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves.

Quite simply, the licence might end up costing far more than going direct to a driving school with an interest, or low interest, credit card.

Buyer beware.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:


Peter Smythe:
Quite simply, the licence might end up costing far more than going direct to a driving school

Well for me personally, the thing that puts me off massively is the planned 15 hour days and waiting around for loads and units / trailers to come back for 4 - 8 hours per day.

If the company was one of the top 5 haulage companies in the UK to work for with extremely low staff turnover, the place where you could easily spend 15 - 30 years working there, then paying slightly more for the licence would not worry me in the slightest.

However, due to the regular planned 15 hour day, waiting around and high staff turnover it’s definitely a no go for me.

I recently spoke to their apprenticeship rep. The “catch” to this is until you have your C+E (Class 1) they pay £220 a week. They try to get your Class 1 within 6 months and during the time until you have your class 1 they will put you yard shunting, shadowing other drivers and some other duties.

For me it was too much of a drop to take currently so just going to save up whilst I do my medical/theory then get in touch with Peter Smythe for my training.

Yeah poor paying firms like to take advantage any way they can…
Fund your own licence and forget this fowl firm lol

Fowler welchski good company. [emoji6]