class 1 fail

class 1 fail to day at featherstone test centre i failed in wolverhampton city centre used indicator when should not have
only had 6 minors plus the 1 serious totally gutted

bloody hell mate…gutted for ya…next time you should nail it.
what was the serious fault?

using indicator on turning that was classed as straight ahed you come through 2 sets of trafiic lights the road your on bend to right the side road you go down is classed as straight on and there another turning right on top of it
what pees me off the command is in the instruction
he said go through the two sets of lights take the road straight on
what a muppet i am

class 1 fail to day at featherstone test centre i failed in wolverhampton city centre used indicator when should not have
only had 6 minors plus the 1 serious totally gutted

stvme2519 using indicators when you’re not supposed to eh? Are you for real?

lmao rob k ill give you that one lol

Unlucky :frowning: but apart from the 1 serious, looked like you had a pretty good drive, sure you will have it nailed next time!



Sorry to hear that :frowning:

Sorry to hear that you did not pass this time :frowning: .
All the best with the retest :smiley: .

Sorry to hear u failed, you’ll fly through next time!!

unlucky mate :frowning: no exactly where you went wrong but apart from that error it sounded like a good drive…you know you can do it & you WILL

Ring em 2morro & book your retest ASAP

Cheer up mate focus on the positives & i’ll look forward to reading about your pass soon


cheers all …just booked my retest wills just got to wait for date by sounds might be near two weeks…im so annoyed for that stupid mistake what makes it even worse 6 minors is good enough for a instructors dsa test so i know i can drive the things

styme,thats unlucky blue.
nail it next time
kro sotv

cheers all …just booked my retest wills just got to wait for date by sounds might be near two weeks…im so annoyed for that stupid mistake what makes it even worse 6 minors is good enough for a instructors dsa test so i know i can drive the things

dont worry about it mate, I did the same thing failed because of a school boy error and with only 6 minors… you know and we know you can do it, you’ll nail it next time!!

what pees me off the command is in the instruction
he said go through the two sets of lights take the road straight on
what a muppet i am

Sorry to hear you failed mate but as you know exactly where you went wrong then there is no reason why you should not get it bang on next time.
The ones that worry me are the ones who say they have had a good drive, done nothing wrong and the only reason they failed is that the examiner was in a bad mood!!
They obviously have no idea about how to pass - you have!
Just get out there and get it next time.
Good luck

I know exactly how you feel, I failed my class 1 last week, had a really good drive and only got 7 minors but clipped a kerb when turning left :unamused: .

I felt sick for about two days after but theres no point crying over spilt milk. Weve just gotta keep trying, if Kirkham test centre think theyve seen the last of me theyve got another thing coming :wink: .

good lad seanh and many thanks for every ones comments …ive booked up again so fingers crossed lol

all the best for your re- test mate, and
when you take it just give the tester a
safe drive and he/she will be happy
by the way some people pass in one
and others require a little more it does
not matter as,every one is still learning
even after passing their test and school
is never finished, all the best,…

no retest date as of yet starting to get me down a bit just want to get back on test again but never mind hey cheers for every ones comments even yours rob k lol

Try checking with the DSA yourself. You probably get a quicker date. One guy I know got one for two days ahead.
Make sure you check with the school first though to make sure the truck is free.
Good luck

featherstone can get you retested with 3days but it the schools that are limited due to back log of retests and courses so just got to wait