Class 1 driver waiting to move to australia

Hi, Are there any Hgv drivers out in aus,or waiting to move out,who have gone through tony mooney/southern cross personnel,via a sponsorship.
Is there any other ways to get into aus for a class1 driver,pulling my hair out at the mo :angry: cheers

got an aussie at the moment training with us - drives road trains in oz but cannot get on with our daft DSA procedures to get through C test - bloody good safe driver.

Dont think you will have a chance of getting into Australia with truckdring as a profession.As it is considered a non-skilled proffession.They are only allowing skilled people into OZ.Check out australian immagration websites.

Hi, I was in the same boat the oppisite way. Iā€™m from NZ and the problem of my licence Class 1 equivilant didnā€™t mean a thing to the DVLA. I had to do all the training again just to get class two.And unless i find a company willing to pay then there is no way iā€™ll be doing it. Anyway sorry for that ramble but i do have a point. I Had a guy who worked with me back home and his licence was fine in New Zealand. You might need to do a bit of homework but NZ might be another option? I know they are crying out for drivers at the moment although iā€™ve not been home for a while. Heading home in a few weeks though so iā€™ll try and let you know.


Hi peck , if you have a sponsorship then well done. i tried for almost two years. Im now out in Western Australia on a different visa. Your uk class 1 counts for nothing here.You have to sit your class 2 then class 1 all over again. I would be very interestedin hearing Any details on your situation ,Which visa where you are, cheers col

It may differ from state to state, Iā€™m going back a helluva lot of years now but my UK HGV was accepted in the Northern Territory but not in New South Wales.
May not have changed but if you plump for NT I hope you like wide open spaces. :wink: :laughing:

Nortern terrortory licence used to be straight out road train licence.But a lot of other states in australia have changed their rules on accepting Nt licences.Like i said overseas drivers will not get into Australia at the moment as a driver,as i stated on skilled worker visa as it is not considered a skilled profession.You would need to come in on the skilled visa with a trade certificate eg(plumber,mechanic etc) Australia Government has been lobbied by several large companies to allow drivers in on this visa but they have been looking at bringing in Asians,Arabs and Afghanistanies.No Thanks donā€™t want them here No way.

Hi all, does anyone know of a website that gives a specific and up todate list of the jobs / careers that are acceptable for admission to Australia under the points sytem?

I have heard that hairdressers and chefs,for example, qualify for entry as these are recognised as skilled proffesions and are required because of a shortage of trained / skilled Australians!!

Cheers, Bullitt.

This is a start,but be wary of ā€œSkill Shortageā€.Thats a nice way of saying employers wont pay a livable wage/salary.
There is no skills shortage in Australia.
Like there is a shortage of truckers in UK.

This is probably the list you are after; ā€¦ tralia.asp

This is probably the list you are after; ā€¦ tralia.asp

Cheers for that bootsā€¦had a look and only the missus qualifies :unamused: :laughing:

Thanks for taking the time to post that.

Cheers, bullitt.

Nortern terrortory licence used to be straight out road train licenceā€¦

Maybe, and I did jump more or less straight behind the wheel of a roadtrain with no further questions asked, but my NT licence simply said ā€˜Lorriesā€™ :open_mouth: . Which is why NSW wouldnā€™t accept it because it didnā€™t say anything about artics or semis, neither, of course, did my UK licence in those days. You just drove them and worked it out as you went along. :unamused:

Had to laugh though, Noel Buntine asked me if I had ever driven a ā€˜twin-stickā€™. I misheard is NT twang and thought he said ā€˜twin-steerā€™. A bit mystified about this and thinking back to my old Leyland Octopus, I said, ā€˜of courseā€™, and got the job.
The Mack quad box with 2 gear levers was a bit of a steep learning curve on my first trip into the bush. :laughing: