Class 1/2

Why are people so desperate to pay thousands doing class 1 straight after class 2 without getting any driving experience or getting a feel for the industry? Should maybe do a little time on the road first and get a feel for what you want to do first.

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Why are people so desperate to pay thousands doing class 1 straight after class 2 without getting any driving experience or getting a feel for the industry? Should maybe do a little time on the road first and get a feel for what you want to do first.

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All depends on the individual and how confident they are. There’s no right and wrong way but I do feel employers should induct the driver correctly…

Paul :smiley:

The reasoning seems to be doing class 1 while your brain is still in training mode. I can understand that but I’d never do it that way. I’ve done what you describe. Then class 1 when the bank loan is paid off/if I want to :smiley:

I think some comes down to location. There are a couple places near me that will take new pass class 1 but not much class 2 work.

I intend to do both (hopefully) as even if doing class 2 work the clock is ticking on 2 years of class 1. If doing this then 18 months working class 2 and 6 in class 1 you meet both 2 years and 6 months recent experience…

In for a penny in for a pound? may as well get the job lot and like Nobby said its still fresh in your head and you could develop bad habits if you leave it to long.
But I do see you point if you don’t know if driving is really the job for you then probably a good idea to have a dabble at class 2 first before you spend an even bigger wedge of cash than you’d need.

Of course there are some that just feel they need to drive the biggest thing going, and let the world know they are superior to the class 2 tiddlers out there, though they maybe over compensating for something… :wink:

Though in all seriousness in a lot of cases class one does open more job and wage opportunities to the licence holder!

I went onto class 1 training without even as much as sitting in a rigid again after I passed the test. Reason being I wanted to earn more money and class 2 pay in my area didn’t even match what I was earning in my job at the time. Class 1 work has me earning the kind of money I wanted. Only ever done one shift in a rigid on pallet work and that was enough for me no way I’d do that day in day out far too strenuous.

It it’s not just about driving these days. The amount of posts I see with people saying I just passed my class 2 and doing my class 1 in 4 weeks is getting ridiculous. The very same people will come on and ask what break they need to take after driving for 4 1/4 hours or say I just passed and no one will give me a job cos I’ve no experience. For a lot of employers driving experience is just that where some want classes held for a certain period. Just because you hold a class 1 or 2 entitlement doesn’t mean you actually drive them.

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Each to their own I guess. I think having C+E on your licence and starting out looking for class C work could be a benefit to certain companies who see you have ‘potential’ in place to progress to C+E if they use those wagons as well as class C. But yeah, it could seem to be a waste initially.

in a lot of cases class one does open more job and wage opportunities to the licence holder!

There’s that too. Twice as many jobs to look at. As my class 1 chums keep telling me.
Also what you want to do. If you wanna go tramping,rigids with a sleeper cab are a rarity.

i was all for doing class 2 then moving to class 1. after doing my first class 2 job i am most definitely waiting

Why? Poor skills? Don’t worry about it fella, the skills will come.

Then you can become a Jedi Master Class 1 legend like me :wink:

Why? Poor skills? Don’t worry about it fella, the skills will come.

Then you can become a Jedi Master Class 1 legend like me :wink:

Oh I know they’ll come…but patience

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Why? Poor skills? Don’t worry about it fella, the skills will come.

Then you can become a Jedi Master Class 1 legend like me :wink:

You to can have an inflated Ego :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why? Poor skills? Don’t worry about it fella, the skills will come.

Then you can become a Jedi Master Class 1 legend like me :wink:

Yep but at least i know my limits and keep my hands on the wheel

In my day we could go direct to CE (the old HGV class 1) so are we saying that those who do C then follow it quickly with CE are less able than we were all those years ago :question:

In my day we could go direct to CE (the old HGV class 1) so are we saying that those who do C then follow it quickly with CE are less able than we were all those years ago :question:

i guess you have to ask why the law changed so you could not go to class 1 but rather do it in stages… Either because the intention was to gain your wings on class 2 before moving into bigger class 1 OR so they could make more money … I’ll let you make your own mind up


In my day we could go direct to CE (the old HGV class 1) so are we saying that those who do C then follow it quickly with CE are less able than we were all those years ago :question:

i guess you have to ask why the law changed so you could not go to class 1 but rather do it in stages… Either because the intention was to gain your wings on class 2 before moving into bigger class 1 OR so they could make more money … I’ll let you make your own mind up

EU law caused the changes

I think some comes down to location. There are a couple places near me that will take new pass class 1 but not much class 2 work.

I intend to do both (hopefully) as even if doing class 2 work the clock is ticking on 2 years of class 1. If doing this then 18 months working class 2 and 6 in class 1 you meet both 2 years and 6 months recent experience…

The above is a good logical reason to crack on with your class 1, along with widening your work oppertunies…
However I do believe it’s a good idea to do a bit of class 2 work before your bendy licence, both for the experience of class VAN work and to get used to driving a wide heavy vehicle.

As for doing it straight away whilst still in training mode. Sorry but I think that is bollox! Your test is almost identical to a driving assessment, so should I get some lessons before an assessment to ensure I’m in the right mode?

No I thought not…


I think some comes down to location. There are a couple places near me that will take new pass class 1 but not much class 2 work.

I intend to do both (hopefully) as even if doing class 2 work the clock is ticking on 2 years of class 1. If doing this then 18 months working class 2 and 6 in class 1 you meet both 2 years and 6 months recent experience…

The above is a good logical reason to crack on with your class 1, along with widening your work oppertunies…
However I do believe it’s a good idea to do a bit of class 2 work before your bendy licence, both for the experience of class VAN work and to get used to driving a wide heavy vehicle.

As for doing it straight away whilst still in training mode. Sorry but I think that is bollox! Your test is almost identical to a driving assessment, so should I get some lessons before an assessment to ensure I’m in the right mode?

No I thought not…

That’s what I’m trying to get at.

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In my day we could go direct to CE (the old HGV class 1) so are we saying that those who do C then follow it quickly with CE are less able than we were all those years ago :question:

i guess you have to ask why the law changed so you could not go to class 1 but rather do it in stages… Either because the intention was to gain your wings on class 2 before moving into bigger class 1 OR so they could make more money … I’ll let you make your own mind up

EU law caused the changes

You didn’t need a degree to understand wtd and the whole legal aspect then. The amount of rules and legislation now is ridiculous. My old man drove in the times you are talking about and sadly I think they are gone. People today are in such a rush, and yes I think some people today are ill prepared to go straight to a 44 tonne piece of metal at 50 odd miles an hour. more should learn and progress …and enjoy the job.

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