Clarification of rule 6

Links to Commercial Sites which are blatant adverts are not allowed unless it is somewhere you’ve used in the past or are passing it on in response to a query and you have no connection to the company.

What is the definition of a “Commercial Site” in this instance? The reason I ask is because there is a member on this site who is constantly advertising their own “independent advice” website in every post, but on closer inspection of said site it is actually revenue generating. The site is generating up to £857 per customer per year simply from the link being posted on this site. Is this permitted?

I’ve purposely not stated the site link because it doesn’t affect my life in any way, but running my own IT and Ecommerce business myself I may need to get my own head in the trough on this if it’s something that’s okay to do here. :laughing:

It’s not ok at all, and I’d appreciate a copy of the link.There are several guys, however, who are paying advertisers and who are therefore allowed to use the forum to promote their businesses. But without knowing who you are refering to, I can’t help…