Just on Sky News that City Link has gone belly up.
Gone into administration, apparently - so not necessarily dead just yet (although it seems extremely unikely it will survive in anything like its current form). Sad news at this time of year for their drivers and other staff
I did wonder why I have seen their deckers or vans on the road very much…
City Link was where I worked in the evenings after college, Amtrak in the mornings until I went full time with City Link in Basingstoke when I “left” college
I can remember them from at least 20 years ago you’d think they had a viable business model in order by now.
see lots of there artics every night around heathrow (stockley park)
This will be a very sore one to Mark Thompson transport!
And a few more
A bit more info.
City Link goes into administration bbc.co.uk/news/business-30602326
I had what I was told would be two months’ night work out of Stockley Park near Heathrow with this company, driving up to Coventry and back. The evening I was due to start, they rang me and asked me if I was OK to do it and I said yes. I then asked them to confirm that it was the Coventry run and the lady on the other end said uh, it’s whatever they want you for that night. She agreed to find out what the work would be as I was obviously annoyed at being lied to, and she came back and said there would be “a run” but there was also definitely no Coventry run.
When I got there I discovered that I was doing Northampton, which wasn’t so bad. But the way they ‘secured’ the trailer was a bit weird - they had double-deck trailers and put tall, free-standing cages on the top deck. They didn’t have internal straps, they just pulled the curtain over them, which they insisted was OK as it had straps going from top to bottom. That may have stopped the cages falling out in transit, but what if they started to overbalance and then someone opened the curtain? God help you if you were standing under it. And the curtain fittings were dodgy - the originals were a thin V-shape which fitted neatly into a rim at the bottom of the trailer. They’d replaced some of them with a thick, U-shaped fitting which didn’t fit into that rim properly. IMHO it shouldn’t have been on the road. I reported that to the manager on the way out but I heard someone say to him as I walked away, “he won’t do it”, i.e. sort the problem out.
The next day I was on the way to the depot and was eating a meal when I got a call from the agency saying the job was off and the run had been given to a sub-contractor instead. Apparently they wanted me to go in every night on the off-chance and pay me four or eight hours depending on whether I was used or not. Clearly you can’t expect someone to work that way, especially on nights. The truck (a Renault Premium) was nice enough to drive though. There are enough of those going cheap on Walker’s, so I guess there’ll be a whole lot more now. The trailers might be a bit harder to sell, though.
Not surprising in the current climate, never heard much good about the firm either so…bad news about job loses on Christmas day but life goes on etc
Not nice to hear anytime of the year especially round this time.
Still must say i wasn’t very impressed with there service. Had one item being delivered by them and 4 attemps and still no parcel, even after me explaing over the phone and using google maps where i live and also giving them my mobile number to contact.
Gave up and ended getting the parcel through another company and bingo 1st attemped and a phone call from the driver and job done.
bad time for some subbcontractor-IN transit in Coventry.plenty truck was working for City link
I think in England now to many delivery company(parcel).less company more quality but sorry less job
not a good xmas pressie for some bbc.co.uk/news/business-30602326
To be honest this comes as no suprise it has been on the cards for quite a while now.
Rentokil acquired City Link in 2006, but City Link have lost money since 2007 year on year, including £26m in 2012 alone.
In April 2013 Rentokil sold City Link to Better Capital for £1.
I can remember them from at least 20 years ago you’d think they had a viable business model in order by now.
they did when they were called red star parcels and could be found at every railway manned station then they slowly came off the rails before privatisation of the railways killed that avenue
Just on Sky News that City Link has gone belly up.
another perfect example of busy poor men fighting for scraps…the top men will have their pockets stuffed,whereas the rest will just get stuffed period.
they did when they were called red star parcels and could be found at every railway manned station then they slowly came off the rails before privatisation of the railways killed that avenue
The Red Star operation was bought in 1999 by Lynx Express which is now part of UPS. City Link was a separate company, founded initially to link together the Red Star routes on different lines, because you could only send parcels where there was a direct train connection, and to deliver parcels directly to the consignee. This company changed hands many times from 1989 onwards and it is that that has just gone into administration. There are Wikipedia entries for both companies.
they did when they were called red star parcels and could be found at every railway manned station then they slowly came off the rails before privatisation of the railways killed that avenueThe Red Star operation was bought in 1999 by Lynx Express which is now part of UPS. City Link was a separate company, founded initially to link together the Red Star routes on different lines, because you could only send parcels where there was a direct train connection, and to deliver parcels directly to the consignee. This company changed hands many times from 1989 onwards and it is that that has just gone into administration. There are Wikipedia entries for both companies.
ah makes sence had worked for red star at manchester Piccadilly but moved on to signaling in 89 so missed all that can remember there vans at stockport and Piccadilly tho