Chuffing hell.

What a bloody night. Humber bridge closed because of the wind and the A1 closed at grantham.
Heading down to that big London there and realised I’m not going to make it. Not a problem, I’ll have a 45 somewhere on the A14. Oh no, all the laybys are either full or closed. Not a problem, I’ll pull into the services at bishop stortford. Oh no, they’ve closed J8, no access.
Things are getting a bit hairy now. I don’t know this area very well and I’m not happy about going down unknown A roads trying to find a parking space.
Gets to the M25 with a hope of making Thurrock services. M25 down to two lanes and crawling, that’s Thurrock out the window. Getting desperate, I was looking at the bridges. Could I get away with parking under one? Hmm. Really tempting, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d rather get an infringement!
Finally found an industrial estate off J28 and parked up on 4 hours 30 min.
So much for the best laid plans eh!

Thanks for reading.
As you were. :smiley:

You should of had nine or eleven hours off in lane one of the motorway.
These new resting places are in a live lane.
If lane one busy, there is two more .
Be careful getting out of the cab at night for a Jimmy Whiz .
To pay for parking, pick up the SOS phone to give bank card details.

Well done


Lack of foresight.
You are an experienced driver and should have realised things could turn out this way.
Next time when you encounter the first problem, you’ll realise that the job isn’t readily doable, so return to base go home and book a full shift, and saving your company paying you a night out will put you in their good books.


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Yes CC it can be a nightmare trying to get parked now late, makes you sweat a bit though :laughing:

from the lyrics of the great Tom Petty - you should have “put the pedal down to make some time”

a big loss :frowning:

And R.I.P. to the late great Tom petty…was on the news this morning…aged 65, and just finished a tour.