Christmas Cab Decorations

Does anyone do this? It’s a very cheap thing to do nowadays with all the pound shops everywhere. I’ve thought of getting some bits for my loader cab but it might look like I want to stay on it.
Seen some battery operated LED lights in garden centres that I’ve thought about, but where can you get 12/24v chrimbo trees that wont melt like my last one did?

Think ill throw some tinsil on the dash and a few baubles etc… Make it look tacky, our friendly Islamic militants will love the effort I put into it…

I think?

I’m driving a mobile tinsel shop now. Turkey and tinsel for the next month!

I had a small 24v xmas tree with lights in my last wagon. It stuck to the inside of the windscreen with a sucker or 2. It was about 8 inches high, and over on the passenger side.
Fitter yanked it out and skipped it one weekend. ‘I don’t like things fitted in my wagons’.
He also threw my pillow away as well, because ‘it shouldn’t be in a day cab.’

I used to have one of those stupid little christmas trees in my windscreen when I lived over there … I wonder if I can get one over here ?

FFs, and you all moan about low wages.

I had a small 24v xmas tree with lights in my last wagon. It stuck to the inside of the windscreen with a sucker or 2. It was about 8 inches high, and over on the passenger side.
Fitter yanked it out and skipped it one weekend. ‘I don’t like things fitted in my wagons’.
He also threw my pillow away as well, because ‘it shouldn’t be in a day cab.’

I hope you informed him that he well and truly was a ■■■■.

Christmas decorations?? WTF■■?

Do you fellas have them in your cars as well? I cannot see the point TBH. Why not put decorations in the back of the trailer so the warehouse lads get a treat when they tip you■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The only thing I want to see in a cab in the run-up to Christmas is me getting to drive one! :frowning:

The work around here is DEAD at the moment, and only 5 weeks to go? :open_mouth:

FFs, and you all moan about low wages.

Seasons Greetings to you too sir. May the blazing yuletide log slip from your hearth and burn your house down.

Fitter yanked it out and skipped it one weekend. ‘I don’t like things fitted in my wagons’.
He also threw my pillow away as well, because ‘it shouldn’t be in a day cab.’

If someone spoke to me like that, they’d quickly find themself looking for a new driver, what a ■■■■■■■

FFs, and you all moan about low wages.

What the f… are you on about ? wots xmas trees got to do with wages you womans piece…or is your name…SCROOGE…

FFs, and you all moan about low wages.

Never question a driver’s right to stick plastic tat onto another man’s property…especially at Christmas time. :exclamation:

Might throw a bit of tinsel across the dash, used to do it across the Parcel shelf on cars, but that’ll be it

Let be honest. You car make the cab look festive and tacky and British all for less than a fiver from the pound shop.

The united emirates of England won’t celebrate Xmas in a few years. It will only be EID

CDC are selling 24v trees for £12! WTF? Buy a 12v one for half that at a motorist shop (providing you have a 12v socket of course).

I intend to decorate my coach with Christmas decorations :laughing:


I had a small 24v xmas tree with lights in my last wagon. It stuck to the inside of the windscreen with a sucker or 2. It was about 8 inches high, and over on the passenger side.
Fitter yanked it out and skipped it one weekend. ‘I don’t like things fitted in my wagons’.
He also threw my pillow away as well, because ‘it shouldn’t be in a day cab.’

I hope you informed him that he well and truly was a ■■■■.

Strange thing was, he was actually a decent fella.
He Serviced my LDV200 one quiet Tuesday. Including axle and gearbox oil. No charge. And was always good for a giggle. I was also the only driver he would allow to use his steam cleaner. To be fair, I was the only driver that washed my wagon weekly. The company was strange in so that the fitter overruled the TM with vehicle issues. I remember my seat breaking. The back would not lock into place, and kept collapsing against the steering wheel. TM wanted me to go out on my afternoon run. Fitter told him to stop being a ■■■■, ‘he cant drive the wagon like that’.
I got a nice new, air sprung heated seat. Even though the old one was a bog standard seat.

Grumpy fitter sounds like an old time lorry man. When our MDs father was alive, there were no cbs, no bling, no curtains (“I’m not having my lorries look like gypsy caravans, chap!” was heard at least once). A pet hate was a drivers nameplate in the window-they’d be taken out and binned. Apparently his father (way back in the '50s) wouldn’t allow a newspaper on display as they “didn’t do advertising.”
We’re allowed decorations, curtains etc nowadays, but spotlights are still a no-no.

When our MDs father was alive, there were no cbs, no bling, no curtains (“I’m not having my lorries look like gypsy caravans, chap!” was heard at least once). A pet hate was a drivers nameplate in the window-they’d be taken out and binned.
