christmas bonus

its that time off year again so come on be honest who get’s what…

im self employed so i dont get anything :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

when i was at freightliner they give you £150 in marks and spencers vouchers.

Christmas bonus, your having a laugh!!! :unamused:

Dont even get a card from my boss…

Well, I’m told my Twingo has gone back, :cry: so that’s got to be a bonus hasn’t it.? :wink:
Trouble is I don’t know whats coming to replace it. :confused: :confused:

Seriously, Christmas Bonus tends to be vouchers for one of the big supermarkets.

Last year it was a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates so i would imagine its the same again this year.

We just got a 20% staff card for B&Q though which is very impressive as im just about to move house :slight_smile::):).

Got £16 xmas bonus in my pay.

Also we all get a case of beer and a tin of sweets.

not bad i thought.

I got a gingerbread christmas tree!!! Mmmmmm nice but not exactly what I’d call a christmas bonus!!!

Suppose I should count myself lucky. Last year I got a mini size mars bar!!

Merry Christmas.


xmas bonus works out at 4% of annual salery this year which works out at roughly £900 before the tax man gets his hands on it.

the bad news is i dont qualify till next year :unamused:


£50.00 marks and kin sparks vouchers :cry:

We get 2 x £5.00 vouchers to spend in our cash & carry.

I can hardly contain myself :unamused:

Well as i work for a paddy,one thing he sure knows how to do,and thats have a bloody good party,so we get 2 weeks off paid, 50 quid in a card, a bottle of whiskey and he’s also taking us all go-karting next thursday then on to a pub he’s hired for a drink as much as u like its all covered and as much bacon and cabbage and potatoes as u like. so all in all i think we do alright

we get fresh air and plenty of it, :laughing: ,there as tight as a ducks backside.and thats water tight

Well as i work for a paddy,one thing he sure knows how to do,and thats have a bloody good party,so we get 2 weeks off paid, 50 quid in a card, a bottle of whiskey and he’s also taking us all go-karting next thursday then on to a pub he’s hired for a drink as much as u like its all covered and as much bacon and cabbage and potatoes as u like. so all in all i think we do alright

Any jobs going :question: :smiley: :smiley:

Any jobs going

HAHA I was waiting for that , and no way cus i want all the cabbage for myself :smiley:


Any jobs going

HAHA I was waiting for that , and no way cus i want all the cabbage for myself :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: class
no double manning then.

Last year it was £50 and an emu…sorry… turkey (large). As far as I know it’s the same this year.

Oh, and we just got another payrise. :stuck_out_tongue:

i think we might get a tenner of the incapacity!

£65 :wink:

Used to be 4% Yearly Bonus
Got transferred under TUPE
Bonus’s out of scope…
Now get £20 M&S voucher…
Thats progress…


Well as i work for a paddy,one thing he sure knows how to do,and thats have a bloody good party,so we get 2 weeks off paid, 50 quid in a card, a bottle of whiskey and he’s also taking us all go-karting next thursday then on to a pub he’s hired for a drink as much as u like its all covered and as much bacon and cabbage and potatoes as u like. so all in all i think we do alright

Any jobs going :question: :smiley: :smiley:

Why would you want to become an idiot tipper driver?? Not havin a go Gav i was a tipper driver until being laid off a few months ago…and i got a call yesterday to ask if i want to start back in the new year…but i will automatically become an idiot if i do so i’m not sure what to do… :unamused: :unamused:

all depends on what your looking for, for me a flash wagon isnt highly important but earning good money is, just cus u drive a tipper it doesnt automatically make u an idiot u know, only if your prepared to be treated like an idiot will u become one