Christian Salveson

i have been given a job at Christian Salveson in Fareham tonight and was wondering what they are like to work for?

Are they slave drivers, pushing you to the limit or are they ok as long as you do the work they ask?

the wagons seem to be in good nick (well, all teh ones i’ve seen around are anyway)

any advice much appreciated

Worked for them up in newhouse, wagons were heaps old Daf’s Y-regs some of them some of them newer guess luck of the draw.

Never done multi drop, but did more than a few trunks and never any hassle or clock watching. They didnt really seem to care as long as you got the job done.

A lot of the times with the trunks i did was a lot of going down south then maybe waiting for a few hours. Definatly not stressfull and no hassles.

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.



Salvesons …
What you need to do when working for them .

When joining a motorway and another truck has moved over to let you out , keep accelerating and hold them out into the middle lane , even if you end up running at the same speed .
If someone overtakes you , you have to try your best to get past them again . Even if it means catching up on a downhill section and blocking them in behind a shopping trolley . It doesn’t matter if they are faster than you anyway , they shouldn’t have overtaken.
When overtaking come back in as early as possible , even if it means it’s almost impossible to get a ■■■ paper in the gap.You have to do this more so if you are a fat git that uses the M1 all the time .

You should get on fine if you follow that , everyone expects it .

Salvesons …
What you need to do when working for them .

When joining a motorway and another truck has moved over to let you out , keep accelerating and hold them out into the middle lane , even if you end up running at the same speed .
If someone overtakes you , you have to try your best to get past them again . Even if it means catching up on a downhill section and blocking them in behind a shopping trolley . It doesn’t matter if they are faster than you anyway , they shouldn’t have overtaken.
When overtaking come back in as early as possible , even if it means it’s almost impossible to get a ■■■ paper in the gap.You have to do this more so if you are a fat git that uses the M1 all the time .

You should get on fine if you follow that , everyone expects it .

i’ll try to remember that for tonight paul,

i am a fat git but i dont think i will be on the M1 :laughing: :laughing:

You will be fine then :laughing:

there now owned by norbert :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’d watch them! They started the Falklands war, dont you know!

I’d watch them! They started the Falklands war, dont you know!


I applied for a class 2 multi drop job on days,a few years ago.They offered me a job as a forkie on nights :open_mouth: …my CV obviously impressed…NOT :laughing:

I’d watch them! They started the Falklands war, dont you know!

They owned a fishing plant on the Falklands.