Christ on a bike

…was the only thing I didn’t see in the space of one journey from ■■■■■■■ to the Home Counties. I did spot the following:

  • National Express coach in the third lane on the M6 near Manchester
  • Six trucks nose to tail [about a yard between each] crossing the Thelwall Viaduct
  • Driver of Cherokee Jeep flashing motorists in front to move out of the third lane to allow him to pass — only one of dozens targeted actually moved over
  • A driver, complete with coke bottle glasses, joining the M6 at J13, speeding to the outside lane, tailgating a Golf, then cutting across three lanes of motorway to get off at J12. It was a red Vauxhall Corsa, for the record
  • Four cars parked in disabled zones without disabled stickers; two were Mercedes E-Class with private number plates at Norton Canes services in the M6 Toll
  • ESSO garage at Cherwell valley on the M40 charging [minimum 50p vend] for water for topping up the bottle on windscreen washers
  • Two Transit minibuses towing trailers loaded up with canoes doing 50 to 90mph in the third lane of the M40
  • No one adhering to the 40 or 50mph restriction placed on traffic on the M25 between the M40 and A3
  • Three foreign trucks and British cars parked up on the hard shoulder of the M25 [clockwise] following a ‘meeting of minds’ with each car driver concerned on the blower, short-wearing Johnny Foreigner driver’s sat behind the wheel of his truck
  • A taxi driver carving up M25 traffic in order to get its fare to the airport [Gatwick] on time, judging by the Hawaiian shirt on the passenger
  • Countless middle lane huggers on the M6, M6 Toll, M42, M40 and M25, refusing to move over despite failing to match the national speed and vehicles stacking up behind
  • Plenty of undertaking on the motorway system with drivers using the middle lane before re-entering the third lane two vehicles further up the queue. Out of many drivers who tried to undertake only two actually failed to move up the third lane queue
    Can you beat this?

sounds like business as usual to me :laughing:

Sorry to say this m8 but that seems like an average day in the life of a driver.

By the way I’ve seen a cyclist riding down the hard shoulder of the M5 closely followed by a police car … don’t think It was Christ on the bike though.

Sorry to say this m8 but that seems like an average day in the life of a driver.

By the way I’ve seen a cyclist riding down the hard shoulder of the M5 closely followed by a police car … don’t think It was Christ on the bike though.

Was that in the last week or so? I saw one somewhere around J10 of the M5 northbound one evening at about 8.45p.m. Didn’t see a police car though.

thats easy that.
i bought a sausage and egg sandwich from cherwell valley and it actually had a sausage in it :open_mouth:

now seriously, a few weeks back whilst on the m6 in slowish moving traffic (doing about 30mph) a woman came bombing up the slip road , up the inside of me then onto the shoulder and then cut me up. i gave the customary flash of the lights and she took the time to put her window down and gave me the “apology wave” unluckily for her she was still holding her phone which she dropped and the nice container man beside me duly obliged by squashing it :smiley:

Seems all par for the course these days :open_mouth:

And your point is ? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Greyhound walking down the hard shoulder on the A 50 just past stoke yesterday !!! (Thurday 2nd ) looking very pleased with its self , not an owner in sight !!

now seriously, a few weeks back whilst on the m6 in slowish moving traffic (doing about 30mph) a woman came bombing up the slip road , up the inside of me then onto the shoulder and then cut me up. i gave the customary flash of the lights and she took the time to put her window down and gave me the “apology wave” unluckily for her she was still holding her phone which she dropped and the nice container man beside me duly obliged by squashing it :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiling_imp:
Nice !

I had an old git in the left hand lane of the A34 where it meets the M40, crawling (comparitively) and leaving a huge gap so the *kers could push in and brake test me. Then about 50 feet before the actual split, he indicated right and went straight on !

And the best one was a supermarket trolly driver, who, even though 4 trucks and a couple of cars had pulled out to lane 2 to let me out of a layby, decided he was going to almost take my cab out with his trailer and give me the coffee bean gesture. A43 that was. If I hadn’t had 26 ton on I would have gone after the ■■■■■■■■


Sorry to say this m8 but that seems like an average day in the life of a driver.

By the way I’ve seen a cyclist riding down the hard shoulder of the M5 closely followed by a police car … don’t think It was Christ on the bike though.

Was that in the last week or so? I saw one somewhere around J10 of the M5 northbound one evening at about 8.45p.m. Didn’t see a police car though.

No It was last year when I saw that, between junction 3 and 4 I think, the police car was following the cyclist as If they were escorting him to the next exit, looked a bit Laurel and Hardy though the cyclist didn’t seem at all bothered.



Sorry to say this m8 but that seems like an average day in the life of a driver.

By the way I’ve seen a cyclist riding down the hard shoulder of the M5 closely followed by a police car … don’t think It was Christ on the bike though.

Was that in the last week or so? I saw one somewhere around J10 of the M5 northbound one evening at about 8.45p.m. Didn’t see a police car though.

No It was last year when I saw that, the police car was following the cyclist as If they were escorting him to the next exit, looked a bit Laurel and Hardy though the cyclist didn’t seem at all bothered.

If that was between bridgwater and weston northbound, I grassed him up !
The police woman didn’t sound like she believed me to start with, but I saw a car heading up the hard shoulder about 5 minutes after I called.
We’ve got enough trouble on the M-way as it is without push bikes turning up.
I’m old enough to remember signs on the slip roads that specified permitted vehicles - where did they all go ?

Just edited the previous post m8, the one I saw was further north on the southbound carriageway, someone was telling me the other day that they saw a cyclist on the M6 but I’ve no idea where it was the conversation was interrupted before he could say.

I don’t think KevinS gets out of ■■■■■■■ very much lol

heading home last night (thurs) in my car going down the dual carraigeway numpty coming the other way forgot he had his high beam on (or didnt care more likely) So i gave him a gentle reminder (BMW high beams very good for that) he dipped then so no problem, Low and behold a couple of seconds later another one so i did the same again…Then realised this muppet was on MY CARRAIGEWAY! heading straight for me :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: …I [zb]ing [zb] myself i ground to a rapid halt as did he thankfully and i then duly waited while he did a three point turn and went the right way :unamused:

heading home last night (thurs) in my car going down the dual carraigeway numpty coming the other way forgot he had his high beam on (or didnt care more likely) So i gave him a gentle reminder (BMW high beams very good for that) he dipped then so no problem, Low and behold a couple of seconds later another one so i did the same again…Then realised this muppet was on MY CARRAIGEWAY! heading straight for me :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: …I [zb]ing [zb] myself i ground to a rapid halt as did he thankfully and i then duly waited while he did a three point turn and went the right way :unamused:

You only told that story to tell everyone you’ve got a BMW! :unamused: :wink:


heading home last night (thurs) in my car going down the dual carraigeway numpty coming the other way forgot he had his high beam on (or didnt care more likely) So i gave him a gentle reminder (BMW high beams very good for that) he dipped then so no problem, Low and behold a couple of seconds later another one so i did the same again…Then realised this muppet was on MY CARRAIGEWAY! heading straight for me :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: …I [zb]ing [zb] myself i ground to a rapid halt as did he thankfully and i then duly waited while he did a three point turn and went the right way :unamused:

You only told that story to tell everyone you’ve got a BMW! :unamused: :wink:




heading home last night (thurs) in my car going down the dual carraigeway numpty coming the other way forgot he had his high beam on (or didnt care more likely) So i gave him a gentle reminder (BMW high beams very good for that) he dipped then so no problem, Low and behold a couple of seconds later another one so i did the same again…Then realised this muppet was on MY CARRAIGEWAY! heading straight for me :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: …I [zb]ing [zb] myself i ground to a rapid halt as did he thankfully and i then duly waited while he did a three point turn and went the right way :unamused:

You only told that story to tell everyone you’ve got a BMW! :unamused: :wink:


have you got the one with optional indicators? :unamused:

have you got the one with optional indicators? :unamused:

WTF is that supposed to mean…

inndeeeecaaaaatuuuurrrrrss …nope never heard of them (but i do drive a Scania too so i wouldn’t have would i) :wink:


I thought when i seen this you are calling for our fellow truck net member Christ on a Bike!

as echoed, it does sound like a typical day!