Chip it or leave it

magnum 480dxi auto (volvo engine) just coming up to 2 yrs old,nearly out of warranty :cry: :frowning: looking to run it another 2yrs,has anyone had positive results through chipping & was it done by dealer/agent or private.

:question: :question: :question: :question:

why would you want to chip a 2yr old 480 magnum. :confused: :confused: :confused:

I have only ever heard of one v8 giving major trouble because it was chipped too far but if you rise your hp by 50 then you shouldnt have any bother.

:open_mouth: wtf are you pulling to need more than a 480 :open_mouth:

:shock: wtf are you pulling to need more than a 480 :open_mouth:

Iā€™d say itā€™s a case of wanting to outpull everything on the road. :smiley:

chipping a truck is not just for an increase in BHP, it also gives a better fuel economy, so i have read somewhere

chipping a truck is not just for an increase in BHP, it also gives a better fuel economy, so i have read somewhere

i wouldnt have thought 50 hp would make a right lot of differance to be fair. also a 480 2 year old magnum flew past me tonight on the a1 like i was in reverseā€¦ he didnt need an extra 50 hp. :open_mouth:

I am yet to be convinced about chipping at all. If it is as good as people make out - more horsepower - more mpg. Why is it that manufacturers donā€™t do it? Do they want you to ā€˜wasteā€™ fuel or not get the best out of their engines?

I know someone that has 480 dafā€™s and theyre all chipped to 530. One blew a turbo and the other two have had there heads done,i wouldnt worry about the latter two as most dafs end up mixin the oil and water regardless.
Heā€™s never regretted gettin them done anyway.

Had a 9litre 360 Daf chipped improved the fuel by nearly 1 mpg and pulled better, our 420 Scania has been done for a couple of years it really improved the pulling while leaving the fuel consumption the same as before. In my opinion the manufacturers do chip them then let Commercial Motor road test them.

We have chipped a 480 XF DAF & a 480 164 Scania. On the DAF we have about 10% better fuel results without being carefull but the Scania needs to be nursed to see any fuel improvements. The Scania is now like a sports car when running at about 30 tons gross.
The economy factor is linked to the driverā€™s right foot. If he drives at the same speed as he would have done before it was chipped he will get better economy because he will be cruising in top gear where he would normally have changed down. Our Scania runs down to the Alps every week & we are saving half an hour each way without using any more fuel so if you take the time saved into account we are saving about 50 pounds a week.

ellies dad:
I know someone that has 480 dafā€™s and theyre all chipped to 530. One blew a turbo and the other two have had there heads done,i wouldnt worry about the latter two as most dafs end up mixin the oil and water regardless.
Heā€™s never regretted gettin them done anyway.

so, the 430 ( the one on the right hand side in my avatar pic) XF Superspace should be ready for being chipped then.

the turbo went bang in February this year and the heads need doing now :cry:

chipping a truck is not just for an increase in BHP, it also gives a better fuel economy, so i have read somewhere

I wonder how many people know exactly what chipping is? Basically, it tell the computer to squirt in more diesel, thats it!
The reason some people report better mpg is because the extra power this produces allow a steadier speed to be maintained with fewer gear changes. If the truck is not working hard, i.e, on light work, chances are it will do less to the gallon. If its heavy all the time, backloads etc then it might be worth doing.

I am not a fan of chipping. Manufacturers spend millions of pounds developing engines and power trains. Why? If it was simply a case of a few hundred quid to chip it then they are wasting their moneyā– ā– ?
It just doesnā€™t add up!

My old style Premium was chipped to 460 by renault, and was never any bother. If your Magnum has the Volvo engine in thereā€™s loads of them out there chipped.
I work on the principle you get nowt for nowt though, and have been told that chipping may reduce engine life, bit as mine was on a full lifetime R & M contract, I took the risk, and it transformed it, and upset a lot of other Marqueā€™s drivers as I passed em in my 420 :wink: Premium :sunglasses:

chipping a truck is not just for an increase in BHP, it also gives a better fuel economy, so i have read somewhere

until recently iā€™d have pooh poohed that, but weā€™ve just had an FH16 550 remapped (not chipped) cos she was down to 492bhp at the wheels and not great on fuel - now goes ā€œlike ā– ā– ā– ā–  off a stickā€ and has improved by 0.4kpl, which is well worth having i reckon - well pleased for the Ā£ 750 :sunglasses:

The reason the manufactures dont remap the ecu is because they sell them from new in bhp intervals 380,420,480 etc so there is no need.
The chip does alot more than ā€˜just make it squit in more dieselā€™ it will change the boost on the turbo, ignition timing and fueling,this helps to give a smoother power curve meaning less gear changes more resonsive and better acceleration.
Its basically the same as what ive had done on my car. but on that I have uprated manifold and induction kit to get the best out of the remap(and it was set up on a rolling road). it took my car from 197bhp to 233bhp, but it totally changed the way it drove and it does return better mpg. One thing I would advise doing before the chip though is to have a full service and the engine checked over to make sure its running well or the chip wont be worth putting on.

Sounds like chipping will give the same benfit as buying a motor with a power output that was correct for weight it pulled instead of getting a motor that will pull the weight but will struggle.

Lad at work wants our 440 FH chipped, but we only pull 27 tonnes and the motor is a year old. But then he also wants super single on the front axle because they look cool. :unamused:
Canā€™t seem to get him to understnd that the motor is more than capable of doing the job as it is.

Sounds like chipping will give the same benfit as buying a motor with a power output that was correct for weight it pulled instead of getting a motor that will pull the weight but will struggle.

Lad at work wants our 440 FH chipped, but we only pull 27 tonnes and the motor is a year old. But then he also wants super single on the front axle because they look cool. :unamused:
Canā€™t seem to get him to understnd that the motor is more than capable of doing the job as it is.

I bet he has a Volvo baseball cap and eats Yorkie bars as well!

Sounds like chipping will give the same benfit as buying a motor with a power output that was correct for weight it pulled instead of getting a motor that will pull the weight but will struggle. .

True, but its a good opion if you want to change type of work your doing and need more bhp, or cant afford to change the unit :slight_smile:

Sounds like chipping will give the same benfit as buying a motor with a power output that was correct for weight it pulled instead of getting a motor that will pull the weight but will struggle.

Lad at work wants our 440 FH chipped, but we only pull 27 tonnes and the motor is a year old. But then he also wants super single on the front axle because they look cool. :unamused:
Canā€™t seem to get him to understnd that the motor is more than capable of doing the job as it is.

sounds like a driver i have just got rid of :confused: