Chinky Nev

Hi there

I would like to here from any of the olden’s that know me or who I have run with.

Oh Yeah :open_mouth:

chinkie nev:
Hi there

I would like to here from any of the olden’s that know me or who I have run with.

Oh Yeah :open_mouth:
You must still owe someone some dosh Chinky so stay low!]

chinky, I’m surprised you can even see a computer let alone drive it after all the beer you drank in greece.
Charlie G

ha ha chinkey just seen this i still on the hills in wales lol not driveing now still drinking


How are u me old fruit long time no see, or hear from, would be nice to meet up again.

Roger Haywood

Hi Nev,how u doing, long time time no see.Are you still driving? do you still see Derek,nice to know your still about Regards Hughie (Funstons)