Chicken Crash

In the Telegraph it said “Some of the chickens found their way into the cars of queuing motorists who had wound down their windows to enjoy the sun.”

Yeah - right.

“Here chuck chuck…”

I would have certainly been taking a few, we have ex battery hens and they lay cracking eggs. I guess he fell asleep he was against the. Barrier at 5 30 when I went past,
And I have no idea how they corralled them, it’s hard enough trying to catch one.

PETA want a memorial sign putting up for the 1500 dead :laughing: … ds-7120414

I think the driver was a Portuguese lad called Nando,but that is normaly his day off so Kayeffsee could have been driving.

PETA want a memorial sign putting up for the 1500 dead :laughing:

People Eating Tasty Animals ?

clunk, chick every trip

I’d never have said you could get 6500 chickens on an artic :open_mouth:

I’m sure every Chinky takeaway in the area will have a 2 for 1 offer on come Saturday

Wouldn’t worry about the takeaway’s the skip rats in warrington would have em :smiley:

It must have taken all day to ratchet strap every hen down.Imagine 6500 straps.

It must have taken all day to ratchet strap every hen down.Imagine 6500 straps.

:laughing: You goon!

After seeing the M.E.N’s coverage of the crash online, scores of concerned readers made their way to the farm to rescue birds. Emma added: “We’ve been inundated. We’ve had people contacting us from Birmingham, Yorkshire, everywhere.

“Some people have come and taken a few chickens, some have taken twenty or more. Hundreds have gone.

Isn’t that bit theft though?

Dvsa website clearly states all birds over 400 kg’s must be secured. :smiley:

Are those the chickens Steven Gerrard and loads of Liverpool fans have been counting over the last few weeks ? :smiley:



Are those the chickens Steven Gerrard and loads of Liverpool fans have been counting over the last few weeks ? :smiley:

Clucking hell, I must be knackered, I seem to have posted my reply twice.
Well maybe tomorrow all will be different, fat chance. LOL

FTFY dd. :wink:


Are those the chickens Steven Gerrard and loads of Liverpool fans have been counting over the last few weeks ? :smiley:
