Cheltenham urine incident

The incident on Tuesday at a Cheltenham races,well words fail me. PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLERS ,■■■■■■■ in glasses in public
We all have been taken short driving trucks, however discretion is all ways used…
I wonder if any Public order offence has been committed . The polices attitude towards a truck driver urinating, back turned to the traffic, in a lay by…and caught or seen by the public .big trouble.

Yes i do know about the French and Belgium attitude towards the act of urinating in the gutter ,but that is their laws in public. These so called role models for the youngsters who go every week to watch them, and be inspired by them,well, should they be sacked and prosecuted. banned from football and go and work in a Hospital or worse a morgue… my view

In public? It’s an offence. Surely there were enough police at Cheltenham Races to deal with this? Or maybe the police think that “professional” footballers are above the law?
Perhaps it’s time to remind these overpaid yobs that they ought to be using their celebrity status as an example to others.
I have, and I suppose most of us have been guilty of using the nearside wheel in an emergency but never in public and certainly never where I could be seen by thousands.

And this has to do with " Old Time Lorries, Companies and Drivers " how ?

And this has to do with " Old Time Lorries, Companies and Drivers " how ?

It should be moved to the professional drivers forum, they are always moaning about having the ■■■■ taken out of them there!!! :imp: :imp: :imp: Regards Kev.

Kendal was once a big Carter/carrier centre in the days of real “Horse power” and there was a bye Law that allowed the Carters to “relieve” themselves on their off-side wheels because when the Town was busy on Market days they couldn’t leave their horses plus tradesmen came to them with parcels for the area that particular carter served, a lot of the Pubs had stabling and also took in consignments for the carters that used a certain pub as their Kendal base so really there’s nothing new in the parcel game as you can leave parcels at all kinds of places in towns to-day for TNT,UPS etc etc. I do believe they even had “curtainsiders” in the day so nothing new there then either. Cheers Bewick.

Nick 2008 it is a observation of how so called pillars of society, in modern day and are above the law and lorry drivers ie,you, now, take a truck out and pee up the wheel in public,either side .see how long it would take before you would get pulled .how many laybys do you know that stink of ■■■■ 99% culprit lorry drivers, my self back then did it all the time, however if you got caught by the law or reported to the law .you would be in court to face the law.
I must remind you,were all OLDtime lorry drivers who worked for old time companies.well most of us .THE END.