Checking mirrors

So, I started my cat C training this week. I don’t feel like I’m doing too badly. Only real gripe the instructor has, is my observation with mirrors when changing speed. I feel as though I’m checking my mirrors like nobody’s business…how did you all find it? I really want it to click before the week is out!

Drill a small hole in the cab roof over the passenger seat area. Set up a bucket of water on a hinge mechanism. The examiner will be so perplexed and annoyed that he/she wont be watching you.

Hope this helps.

Mirrors? What is this new invention you speak of?must be witchcraft and sorcery me thinks :open_mouth:

Keep checking as much as you can if you move the wheel check before you do

mirror mirror mirror on the door…

miss the bike. car. pedestrian. never more… :wink:

mirror mirror mirror on the door…

miss the bike. car. pedestrian. never more… :wink:

mirror mirror on the door,
eyes to the front,foot to the floor.
uphill slow and downhill fast,
if thats not trucking,then kiss my ■■■…beat that… :smiley:

mirror mirror on the door,
eyes to the front,foot to the floor.
uphill slow and downhill fast,
if thats not trucking,then kiss my ■■■…beat that… :smiley:


Seriously, mirrors must be checked before and during any change of speed - up or down. So before you lift off, check the mirrors. Before you floor it, check the mirrors. And then, in both cases, carry on checking until the new speed is reached. That could be 56, zero or anything inbetween.

You really need to know what is near you, where they are and what they’re up to all the time.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

mirror mirror on the door,
eyes to the front,foot to the floor.
uphill slow and downhill fast,
if thats not trucking,then kiss my ■■■…beat that… :smiley:


Seriously, mirrors must be checked before and during any change of speed - up or down. So before you lift off, check the mirrors. Before you floor it, check the mirrors. And then, in both cases, carry on checking until the new speed is reached. That could be 56, zero or anything inbetween.

You really need to know what is near you, where they are and what they’re up to all the time.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for the advice pete. The problem I have is…I do it at the same time as breaking or changing gears. Need to do it BEFORE

Basically gears should be checked before you do something different to what your doing at the time.

Change of speed
Change of direction
Before indication

Also every 10-15 seconds as your driving, it’s important to know what’s going on at the side and back of you.

In fact check your mirrors before you check your mirrors lol

Paul :smiley:

Get a couple of bin bags and tape them over the windscreen. That way you’ll have more time to focus on your mirrors.

I exactly remember what my instructor said while I was on my refresher course that I should check mirrors every 5 seconds. I wonder how my eyes would feel like after a day involving between 9 and 10 hours driving.

I exactly remember what my instructor said while I was on my refresher course that I should check mirrors every 5 seconds. I wonder how my eyes would feel like after a day involving between 9 and 10 hours driving.

Yeah I understand what you’re saying. Needs must for the exam I suppose. One thing that gets me is checking the mirror every time something larger than 3.5T passes you. I had a row of vans and wagons the other day and I looked like churchill the nodding dog!