Check your nuts... Oooh matron

When you have a new tyre/wheel fitted on unit or trailer and find a sticker in the cab telling you to check after x km. How many actually bother. Now I always have and until last week have never found any movable. Last week, 5 were loose, on one trailer wheel. Scarey stuff.

i thought the latest on that was, you wait 30 mins then re-torque the nuts…which the tyre fitter will do?

i thought the latest on that was, you wait 30 mins then re-torque the nuts…which the tyre fitter will do?

Unless you drive a merc. They insist you must drive around 50kms then do a re-torque.

Had one of those tags in my cab last week. It said 50km or next best opportunity. I think I did something in the region of 400 plus klicks that shift, so I put a defect note in when I got back to the yard. No idea if it got done ( I’m given different units most days).

I always do. Not dead on the 50 km mark but just the very next convenient point. I’ve never found any loose. But I’m terrified of seeing one of my wheels going faster down the road than me :laughing:

It’s not wheel nuts I know, but we have to re-check the torquing of all bolts after 24 hours. You’d be amazed how many go another half a turn or more.
And this is not on road vehicles, just stuff that does not even get moved in 24 hours!

Something I have noticed, when tyres need changing in the yard, wherever possible the fitter, changes the tyre without removing the wheel…interesting.

I guess the 24 hours even without movement is to allow for temp fluctuations? Torque up during hot weather, cools down into eve, metal contracts then nuts will be looser. Matron!

i thought the latest on that was, you wait 30 mins then re-torque the nuts…which the tyre fitter will do?
