Check this crash on the woodhead pass video … ed&search=

check this video ive just found on you tube what a lucky escape for all involved.

typical impatient car driver in the ■■■■■■ causes this trying to overtake the hadfields truck

5 years for the mr2 driver to fully recover how the hell he did is amazing judging by the state of the car

Shocking video, particularly the state of the MR2.

The most incredible thing is the size of the fella they had to cut out the MR2 - he’s HUGE :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . I was expecting some little jockey type bloke. How he escaped is incredible. Fair play to him for making a vid to show people the dangers.

at least he got out alive :smiley:

He was one lucky sonbitch.


Ouch! He was certainly very lucky!

A big thumbs-up to him for stating the lorry wasn’t at fault here! Let’s face it, that would have been the usual assumption from 99.9% of the car-driving numpties watching the video… :unamused: :unamused:

As a statistic though, it will still go down as an accident involving a HGV, and these are what get trotted out whenever theres anything to do with transport being mentioned.

Gets my blood boiling.

As mentioned though, fair play to the fellow for pointing out the facts.

this video shuld be shown to all the numpty car drivers what can happen in a split second of overtaking a truck just to save them that extra minute or two on there journey.

i want to know how that guy fitted in the mr2 to start off with im 6ft3 tall and would struggle fitting in that he looks way bigger

this one is quite amazing
hes done pretty well for someone who’s spent some time under a truck :open_mouth:

this one is quite amazing
hes done pretty well for someone who’s spent some time under a truck :open_mouth:

That reminds me of the woman who was trapped under a fridge trailer carrying oranges in the UK (I think it was on one of the M25 juncs but not sure) when the recuers were talking to her they thought she was a small child because she was so squashed her voice was squeaky but she lived :open_mouth:

Yeah i remember that one well, it was the junction of the A2/M2 and the M25, we were subbies at the time for the hauliers who were involved in that accident so it stuck in my mind. Must be 9 or 10 years ago now though.

As it happens it was on one of those police camera action type programs last year.
