Chat room

Am in now if anyones interested in joining me, click on annpouncement at top of this page

Am in now if anyones interested in joining me, click on annpouncement at top of this page

i clicked on the anoucement and got redirected back to this page.

I cant seem to get in.

you are talking about the chat room that is on the Trucknet UK website, under, Interactive, then chat right??

Well, I need a Techy type person to tell me why I can seem to download java and install it so I can come and chat…

any takers??


Pat Hasler:

Am in now if anyones interested in joining me, click on annpouncement at top of this page

i clicked on the anoucement and got redirected back to this page.

Hopefully this will sound right.

When you come to this forum, click on the 3rd thread marked chat room, it should then come up with a post that Rikki has put up with a link for the chat room. Click on where it says “Click Here”. It should then come with the bravenet chat room.

Afraid that if that doesnt work I cant help you

I’m getting lonely

Well, I’d be there joining you, but I really cant figure out why I cant get in. Its saying that my browser ist Java compatible… But it is…
I cant find anything to do with java in my internet options, so I am at a loss… :unamused:
