Charity Collectors Holding Up Traffic

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

I give them nothing…i give to charities that suits me,but never to that lot,or anyone rattling buckets in the road. I wonder if the do-gooding mongbus was parked round the corner…pity your not allowed to post a pic of it on here… :unamused:

I’d say at least ■■■■ Turpin wore a mask, but so are they! :open_mouth:

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

haha :laughing:

I don’t give to beggars end of.

I don’t give to beggars end of.

Don’t start me on tramps and big issue sellers for ■■■■■ sake. :laughing:
I hate working or delivering somewhere where you’re expected to give money away just because the fat grumpy bint in the office has a teddy bear onezie* on, or the forklift driver is wearing a wig or womens’ clothing (I understand Dipper Dave does this for free).

  • I will help myself to the cookies on the plate though.

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

Had the same in the middle of Woodstock. Some ■■■■ of a fireman stood in the middle of the road 10m from a pedestrian crossing. They also had the tender there with all the lights. Glad the hard pressed fire service is using their (our) resources wisely.!

I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

From what I can find, there could be reason for the police to intervene under:

"Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended by sections 38 and 46 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Schedule 7) provides an offence of wilful obstruction of the highway.

137(1) An offence is committed if a person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway."

There are cases whereby you can obstruct a highway with a “lawful excuse” but when tested in “Hirst & Agu v CC West Yorks Police 1986”, this was only allowed in the case of licensed charity collections which means they would have to obtain a local authority licence to hold this collection. The licencing authority would be very unlikely to issue said licence due to it breaching various laws and causing a public nuisance.

Or if you don’t want to quote that lot at them, just ask if they take cards as you don’t carry cash.

I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

+1,for me its animal aid in india,they do a fantastic job with all animals,and cats protection

I mainly just support animal ones.


I like animals more than people.

  • 1,000,000 :laughing:

I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

I believe charity should start at home.

That’s why I wiped the toilet seat earlier when I ■■■■■■ on it. Normally leave it for Er’ indoors to deal with.

Pretty charitable if you ask me.

I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

:smiling_imp: oxfam years ago some one did serch and discoverd thay had 48 milion at bank and thay still beg for moor :imp: :imp:

wirksworth rod:

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

:smiling_imp: oxfam years ago some one did serch and discoverd thay had 48 milion at bank and thay still beg for moor :imp: :imp:

It’s a tad more now :open_mouth:

I whole heartedly support the RNLI and the Poppy Day appeal

What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

Gangan, I don’t think it’s people being tight it’s just people do not like the tin or bucket shoved in their faces.
I donate to a cancer charity via dd in my bank and pop all my slummy in a shops charity box when I pay cash.
I will not put anything in a tin or bucket thrown in my face in the street.
Added to that professional collectors take a rather high percentage of those donations as wages before the charity sees anything.
And yes I do understand some folks do it free, but lots do not.

I didn’t say anything about being tight.