Channel 4 prog tonight

There is a programme on Channel 4 at this moment about how UK Hauliers are flaunting the emissions laws, I’m copying it myself for later but it is repeated on Freeview channel 13 at 21:00 hrs if anyone wants to catch it. It could well be cause for later discussion on here for those that watched. Cheers Franky.

There is a programme on Channel 4 at this moment about how UK Hauliers are flaunting the emissions laws, I’m copying it myself for later but it is repeated on Freeview channel 13 at 21:00 hrs if anyone wants to catch it. It could well be cause for later discussion on here for those that watched. Cheers Franky.


Operators have been emulating adblue from the word go as it makes no difference because emissions weren’t part of the test,so use adblue or not it made no difference, now they have mobile emission testing equipment its a different matter.The emissions the adblue cause are far worse than that of the diesel,once again the rules ar written by do gooding sandle shufflers. :open_mouth:

Yep I saw it by chance…
400,000 trucks in the UK (no qualification as to what is a truck, 3.5t+?) and 261 (I think) were found to be cheating the AdBlue system. No mention if they were ALL UK vehicles. That is one small percentage, i can’t be arsed to work it out.
Those ferries that chug across the channel use fuel that is 7 times more loaded with sulphur than road vehicles…Umm which road vehicles, all diesels or “old” technology trucks i.e. pre Euro 4!
Yet another slanted program preaching to the uneducated ignorant Joe Public!

when Southampton is full of cruise ships on a change over day ,the air is so polluted, they have installed air monitors along the duel track ,however= ships a now using a different fue oil ,and are using scrubbers[ no, not the two legged ones] as for the trucks i have no idea as was rightly said the ferries also are suspect.