Changing your Tacho

Morning folks,

Just had a call from work to say I’m on a night out tonight and tomorrow. I’ve done nights out before and never had a problem.

But, something the chap said didn’t sit right with me. Keep in mind this the bloke who’s been there 15 years, runs the tippers on a daily basis and sorts out all aspects of our jobs day in day out so you’d expect him to know.

Whenever I’m on a night out, I take my tacho out when I finish my shift, just as I would if I’m going home, I note on the tacho where I’ve parked up, nearest town or village, and I put a fresh card in before I do my daily check before starting the lorry in the morning.

I was told to “change my card in the morning”

Now I don’t suppose I makes a huge amount of odds, but I’m concerned I’ve been doing it wrong for years.

Obviously i’m on an analogue tacho

That would be normal what your being asked to do
A chart only records 1 24 hr period you park remove chart then put chart in when you start a new day what the problem. You would do the same with a didgi card

That would be normal what your being asked to do
A chart only records 1 24 hr period you park remove chart then put chart in when you start a new day what the problem. You would do the same with a didgi card

I’m being asked to change the card the following day, when I start my next shift, not at the end of my previous shift.

Better to do as you say, take it out at and of shift. It can be left in till morning though if not in for more than 24hrs.
The risk of leaving it in is oversleeping, so wake up late and have a chart with more than 24 hours on.

All that said if boss wants it left in and it will be in for < 24 hrs it’s fine.

I would deffo NOT change the analogue card the next day because it could run over 24 hours

Remove and finish card at end of shift then insert new card at start of shift - the unrecorded hours will be deemed rest

As long as you change it less than 24 hrs after putting the first one in its no problem. A lot of companies want the card left in overnight to prove that the vehicle hasn’t moved “off the card”

A lot of companies want the card left in overnight to prove that the vehicle hasn’t moved “off the card”

In that case I would simply insert a seperate card for just the rest period which would cover company policy

Thanks for the advice chaps.

I’m going to stick to how I’ve done it for years.

Thank you

Looks to me like he is just reminding you to change the chart, if you don’t night out regularly he could think you might forget. If he’s been there that long you can bet he’s seen it before.

I always took my card out …never had a problem.

Looks to me like he is just reminding you to change the chart, if you don’t night out regularly he could think you might forget. If he’s been there that long you can bet he’s seen it before.

It’s more the case that he treats every one like they’re an idiot, because he’s been used to working with idiots. I don’t have an issue with that tbh

That seems fair enough to me. I’ve seen plenty come to grief when assuming someone knows what they are doing. This job seems to attract drivers not willing to admit they don’t know everything. I even had one young chap ask if I could show him how to fit the “curly wires” during an induction, despite the instructor saying" Does anyone not know how to connect up to your trailer as that is a basic requirement"

Take the ■■■■ thing out when safely parked and do your manual enteries to close that chart down for that day. Simpler than messkng about in the morning etc . And there’s nothing wrong with doing it either

As others have said, just because you start at 4am today, doesn’t mean you will tomorrow, so you might start at 7am, then you’ve got 27hr info on a 24hr card.

Sounds like your boss is a plonk to me, take it out at end of shift.

km finish and km start should show that the truck hasn’t been moved off card :unamused:

I can’t see what the problem of leaving the card in is as long as you plan it not to go over the 24 hours, its standard practice in most parts of Europe as they expect to see a 24hr record.

The boss might want it for various reasons maybe they do a bit of European work so its part of their procedure

Or maybe as happened in a company where I worked, some drivers pull their card and then drive to thier favourite haunt off card, this wasn’t a one of event, but a regular thing.
Not only did this cost the company in diesel etc, but in the end a driver was stopped by VOSA and had to try and explain the missing kms, along with the company.

So perhaps by insisting you have a full record they can stop the missing mileage.

I would simply insert a seperate card for just the rest period

THIS^^^ SIMPLES…that way you are showing a constant record and if you start at (for example) 4am and arent starting till 7am the next day, you dont have to get up to change card, and it doesnt affect the next days card.


A lot of companies want the card left in overnight to prove that the vehicle hasn’t moved “off the card”

In that case I would simply insert a seperate card for just the rest period which would cover company policy

and that’s total ■■■■■■■■ because anyone with 2 cells would see the tell tell sign of the trace that don’t match up if the vehicle had been moved.

as also said if for some reason your starting at 0400 then leave the card in overnight and you don’t need to start till 0700 by removing the card at 0400 to prevent overwriting you have legally started your next shift because you have removed your card and inserted a new card just to show continued rest which cannot happen because you have had to change cards hence started your next 24hr period

What the OP is being asked to do is correct procedure.

What the OP is being asked to do is correct procedure.

the only correct procedure is that a full 24 record is kept


What the OP is being asked to do is correct procedure.

the only correct procedure is that a full 24 record is kept

With the exception of rest