Has anyone else had similar problems?
I’ve no personal experience with this Co, but
I would say that the thing to remember is that you are their customer. It’s up to you to tell them how things will be, not vice versa. If they aren’t providing the service you require you should vote with your wallet and go elsewhere. There are plenty of similar companies out there who will bend over backwards for your business.
the maoster:
I’ve no personal experience with this Co, but
I would say that the thing to remember is that you are their customer. It’s up to you to tell them how things will be, not vice versa. If they aren’t providing the service you require you should vote with your wallet and go elsewhere. There are plenty of similar companies out there who will bend over backwards for your business.
^^ THIS!!
Set up your LTD company and then get paid into an account, and then get a proper accountant to do your books once per year, cost you a damned site less than the £1456 you’re currently paying (based on a 52 week working year) and you’ll be better off overall.
Too many drivers fall into these ‘umbrella’ scams and they need shutting down
dont you have your hours and rates already to check against what is paid?
but as above change to another or go fully ltd.
Im an agency driver and have been using this company to do my accounting. They are charging me over £28 per week for the privilege, but they wont even email me the hours I’ve worked.
Did you choose to use these people or are they an umbrella company your agency dumped you onto ?
If you chose them chose to leave them, if your agency chose them get onto the agency.
If as I think you mean that they are operating a Ltd company for you, there was another company advertising in Truckstop News, think it was backoffice.com
If you’re in it as a freelance driver for the long term (rather than trying to find a ‘proper job’) you could be better off and able to control your own financial affairs by setting up as a ltd company and working for it! I’ve done it (and a good few of the drivers above too) for many years and I would struggle to go back to employed driving in the UK both for money and job flexibility.
Heres a handy and helpful blog page for british truck drivers thinking of going freelance and setting up as a limited company.
A few other Trucknet users have helped and contributed with corrections and links etc.
“Umbrella Mis-selling” is going to be the “PPI Claim” of the future I reckon…
It’s suitable for BBC staff invoicing for tens of thousands at a time, or hourly rates upward of £20ph - but NOT suitable for ordinary mortal wage staff.
The closer you get to minimum wage and/or sporradic hours - the worse it gets as well.
“Umbrella Mis-selling” is going to be the “PPI Claim” of the future I reckon…It’s suitable for BBC staff invoicing for tens of thousands at a time, or hourly rates upward of £20ph - but NOT suitable for ordinary mortal wage staff.
The closer you get to minimum wage and/or sporradic hours - the worse it gets as well.
what are umbrella companies miss-selling?
“Umbrella Mis-selling” is going to be the “PPI Claim” of the future I reckon…It’s suitable for BBC staff invoicing for tens of thousands at a time, or hourly rates upward of £20ph - but NOT suitable for ordinary mortal wage staff.
The closer you get to minimum wage and/or sporradic hours - the worse it gets as well.
what are umbrella companies miss-selling?
Umberalla companies are not miss selling, but it is claimed many Agencys are miss selling them the service instead of opting a PAYE route. Only time will tell.
“Umbrella Mis-selling” is going to be the “PPI Claim” of the future I reckon…It’s suitable for BBC staff invoicing for tens of thousands at a time, or hourly rates upward of £20ph - but NOT suitable for ordinary mortal wage staff.
The closer you get to minimum wage and/or sporradic hours - the worse it gets as well.
what are umbrella companies miss-selling?
Umberalla companies are not miss selling, but it is claimed many Agencys are miss selling them the service instead of opting a PAYE route. Only time will tell.
Are agencies legally obliged to do PAYE, or can they outsource the wages to an umbrella company.
“Umbrella Mis-selling” is going to be the “PPI Claim” of the future I reckon…It’s suitable for BBC staff invoicing for tens of thousands at a time, or hourly rates upward of £20ph - but NOT suitable for ordinary mortal wage staff.
The closer you get to minimum wage and/or sporradic hours - the worse it gets as well.
what are umbrella companies miss-selling?
Umberalla companies are not miss selling, but it is claimed many Agencys are miss selling them the service instead of opting a PAYE route. Only time will tell.
Are agencies legally obliged to do PAYE, or can they outsource the wages to an umbrella company.
I’m not certain to be honest. I think it would be down to what they have agreed with the employee, or offered or contracted him to do. But what is certain is that many drivers are applying for what they believe to be a job, only to end up signing up to one of these schemes not knowing what they’re really about or what they have actually signed up to. And that will be the acid test.
im sureall agencys have to offer you PAYE, but, what shifts and the frequency you get those shifts is another story
im sureall agencys have to offer you PAYE, but, what shifts and the frequency you get those shifts is another story
I don’t think they do have to offer you PAYE. For instance they may have a vacancy for a short term contract, that would be ideally suited to a contractor.
I’m pretty sure agencies don’t have to offer PAYE, personally I think it should be law that agencies have to have a certain percentage of workers on PAYE I can’t see it happening though.
Why has the OP changed the opening post and the title