Changing time on hour guard?

Need to reset the time on my old hour guard as it’s out by a few mins…

How do I do this please ?

I’ve searched this and Dave’s site to no avail, where did his forum go ? Wasn’t there a faq or instructions somewhere ? :confused:

Normally the Hour Guard is a good Time Keeper therefore there is no way of altering the time other than the + or - 1hr at change of clocks in spring and autumn, so a reset is needed.

Another reason was to stop naughty drivers altering their time so they could break the law :wink: :wink: (Having said that, why buy an hour guard if they intended breaking the law anyway?)

If its the new CE02 you are using and its losing time, its not had the new PCB fitted as there is a mismatch between the capacitor and the crystal, so it should be returned to DTS for repair as there are a couple of other faults in the software.

If its the CE01 then you have a 1 off as they are good time keepers normally, it should also be returned to DTS for replacement.

Thanks Dave…

By “reset” do you mean I have to remove batteries ?

It’s the old type, don’t think there’s anything wrong with it I may have entered the time wrong in the first place and I now need to sync it with my cab.

By “reset” do you mean I have to remove batteries ?

Yes. Both sets.
