Changing back to ie10 from ie11?

IE11 has been automatically downloaded and is being used as my current browser programme but IE10 is already stored somewhere in my system so how do I change back to IE10 ?

IE10 or IE11 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I’m still on 7

What operating system are you running Rog?

Its OK - I found that by uninstalling IE11 in downloaded programmes it automatically reverted to the previous version :smiley:

IE11 when using the F11 key does not allow the hidden toolbars to appear when the cursor touches the top of the screen which is why I prefer IE10

Hell, are they still making that crap? It sounds like NOW that’s, what I call music 79

Firefox or Chrome for me

Got to say that I do use Chrome a fair bit now…albeit on my XP machine :grimacing:

Personally I use Firefox on XP, Win7 and Linux.
At the moment I primarily use XP which also has IE8 (The highest that supports XP) Win7 also has IE10 and as I have disabled auto update, IE11 is going nowhere near my machine.
Opera kept failing and I couldn’t get on with Chrome

Good old XP…it just does not want to seem to roll over and die :smiley:

Sure is Lusk. Despite Microsoft’s FUD campaign to kill it off
Actually I would still be using Win98SE if I hadn’t needed to change the motherboard in this machine

I think it must have cost Microsoft billions really where people just do not want to change over. Have you had a look at or tried any of the other MS O/S like 7 or 8?

I’ve got 7 but there is NO WAY 8 is coming anywhere near my machine.
I’ve got some problems atm which is why I’m back on XP. I think I need another mobo since the PSU went down but pennies are tight.

Also I am not going into a “walled garden” environment with my desktop.
I’ll just keep replacing bits as they fail

I’ve got 7 but there is NO WAY 8 is coming anywhere near my machine.
I’ve got some problems atm which is why I’m back on XP. I think I need another mobo since the PSU went down but pennies are tight.

Also I am not going into a “walled garden” environment with my desktop.
I’ll just keep replacing bits as they fail

How did you get on with 7 and are there vast differences between 7 and 8?

Windows 7 is working well for me along with IE10

For me, Windows 7 is very similar in feel to XP.
I used Windows Easy Transfer to save my XP data to a USB key then installed 7 onto another partition.
I set every thing to “Classic” and best performance so it looks and feels like XP
You cannot upgrade XP to 7 but you can from Vista (Most people see 7 as what Vista should have been)
“Under the bonnet” Win8 is more or less the same as Win7 but the shell is what has got most people angry, also the App store which ties you to Microsoft
(That is what I mean about “Walled Garden”)
Also IMHO the “Front End” is designed for touch and looks awful.

As it stands Win7 is the most popular O/S followed by XP with Win8 a very poor 3rd.

Interesting post, thanks.
So if you have an XP machine and a spare partition on your hard drive, can you install Win 7 onto it - by this I mean will the hardware be able to run 7? The reason I ask is that I’ve around 500GB on an unused partition and it would be handy to keep the same machine but have it dual boot.

So if you have an XP machine and a spare partition on your hard drive, can you install Win 7 onto it - by this I mean will the hardware be able to run 7?

That depends on the hardware currently on your computer.

Microsoft Windows 7 System Requirements

Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor

Should do, that’s what I did (Then added Linux)
There is a “Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor” (Hope it’s still there after Win8 came out)
To let you know Win 7 comes without an Internet browser and Email client (Part of the EU anti-trust ruling I think)
Not a problem, I downloaded Firefox and Thunderbird (They both support XP and 7, IE8 is the highest to support XP)

Back onto topic. Here’s what some people found with IE 11 and Win7 … ack-to-10/

Did you see the way those guys conducted themselves on that forum…all very nice and civilized :grimacing: