Changes on those tacho regs if your interested … 023:EN:PDF

Big emphasis at the end of new units been able to detect magnets and manufacturers installing sensors that work even when magnets are applied.

If your interested this is for.

Bloody last thing we need, just another way to ■■■■ us over.

only the supermarket drivers that use them aint it? they seem to be the ones who need all the hours they can get

I thing the regulations on the equipment have just been clarified ready for the 2nd generation digital VU, like the DTCO 1381 … co_de.html

Bloody last thing we need, just another way to [zb] us over.

It’s nothing to worry about and is mostly small amendments to existing regulations or simplifying things.


Bloody last thing we need, just another way to [zb] us over.

It’s nothing to worry about and is mostly small amendments to existing regulations or simplifying things.

Aslong as i can still use my magnet…

It doesnt matter how smart these ■■■■ @ Siemens etc etc think they are, theres always someone outhere thats smarter… Didnt they say when the 1st digis came out that theyd be fool proof? There ■■■■ and rules are meant to be broken and somene will ALWAYS figure out how to break said rules… Also do they really think that using a Magnet is the only way of killing a digi tacho abled lorry?

PS:- Didnt they know that magnets were also used BEFORE digi heads were brought out? Thats right WELL before Digi VU’s…

It doesnt matter how smart these ■■■■ @ Siemens etc etc think they are, theres always someone outhere thats smarter… Didnt they say when the 1st digis came out that theyd be fool proof? There ■■■■ and rules are meant to be broken and somene will ALWAYS figure out how to break said rules… Also do they really think that using a Magnet is the only way of killing a digi tacho abled lorry?

PS:- Didnt they know that magnets were also used BEFORE digi heads were brought out? Thats right WELL before Digi VU’s…

Of course there is always a way to defraud the system, that is why the penalties are so harsh, to prevent it, but you are correct in one thing, they are ■■■■, and some of them drive lorries.

two log books
ghost drivers
disconnect cables
blown fuse
bent stylus
elastic bands
Scania dashboard

There is nothing new about making a false record