
Hi all ok at the moment I’m a support worker which ain’t going anywhere just over minimum wage is it worth me going for a challenge and doing my hgv ?

It is. But remember that it’s a vocational licence - meaning that driving is a vocation. Please don’t look on it simply as a way of earning more money. You really need to want to do it otherwise you’ll be miserable.

Having said all that, if there’s anything I can help you with, just shout.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hi . Yeah I’ve thought about it for a while now and after looking in to it I got in touch with a training program and got the finance now just need to send off for a provisional license then I can start

I also like the open road love driving

lots of people will give you different answers/opinions to this question. I say do you love driving? If you do go with what your heart is saying. Have a read of my training blogs and you can see what my training was really like. Also pm me about any questions you have if it be finding work what its like ect money you name it just message me.

Cheers ash when you passed your class did you find it difficult to get a job also I have been told to do my adr

Good morning all just a quick question when some past there hgv C1+E did any one find it difficult to get a job straight away?

Good morning all just a quick question when some past there hgv C1+E did any one find it difficult to get a job straight away?

Never done that test but I started driving vans then moved up passed my CE in the jan was out driving full time in my own unit in April but this was a few years back & we were in a recession with few job availiable

But as has been said the pay not high in this industry either just over min wage in some parts of the country