Championies championies are we are we are we!

YES 2-nil to the Villa,we showed that for all the money in the world that PRIDE AND PASSION can still rise to the top,its been 25 years since we conquered europe(the old-school-way KO competition)and won the league with 14 players(a feat that surely will never be equalled).But know under the guidence of Martin ‘the messiah’ o’neil we will surely rise from the ashes once again…oh and yes ive been drinking! :stuck_out_tongue: and 3 players in the England squad sweet justice as we have more English players in or team than any-other! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, have they started kicking pig bladders around again :question: :question: :question:

[quote=“chrisy boy” sweet justice as we have more English players in or team than any-other! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:[/quote]

Are you a 100% on that as I think you should check your facts :question:

well 7 english-players started and there were 3 on the bench(the forth was scotish)theres plenty in the reserves not sure of top of my head,also 2 born and bred villa fans scored the goals,while the 3rd one never played(gardner),that in this day in age is unique! Luke More an Agbonalahor cost nothing,i bet Romanoffski is gutted!i no wonder he sneaked off early! Dont get me wrong are aim this season is the top 10,Chelsea are one of the best sides in europe and its not every day they get beat.Out of interst which side does have the most English players :question:

Like you Chrisy Boy im a villa fan and can remember going to every home league game the year we won the old 1st division as it was then and i think MON has got it just right again. Never mind top 10 what about eufa - surely minimum target. Looks like the London jinx team thing is over now, Fulham and Chelski back to back

im just playing us down a bit :wink:Its time to let petrov go,he aint upto it at this level,id really like to see Craig Gardner back in mid-field as i really think he’s another Scoles in the making,or at-least rotate him.As for the London jinx,Arsenals allways been our achiles-heal,i cant belive we got 3 players in the England squad,i mean lets face it the FA and England managers hate picking players from the midlands,christ i think Billy Wright was the last regular one! :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry, have they started kicking pig bladders around again :question: :question: :question:

doesn’t make any sense to me :wink: :laughing: :laughing: