census figures.

so the report is in and published, makes for some interesting stats.
a rise of 3,000,000 immigrants who now live and work in the uk in the last decade, (although i don’t think scotland is included in the results as they get published next week i believe.)
think it said the total figure has now risen to 7.5 million. the most common birthplaces outside the of the uk for residents is india, poland and pakistan.
one figure i was abit shocked at, was the fact that those classed as white british in london are now in the minority, at 45% :open_mouth: a drop of 13% in 10 years.
suppose it could all make for interesting voting as time goes on.
muslims now make up nearly 5% of the population of england and wales.

the report also says amongst other things, that its a similar picture in places like the netherlands and germany.
so as more e.u money goes into back pockets, sorry i mean developing the latest member states, perhaps there will be future job prospects abit further to our east. wouldn’t be the first time.
auf wiedersehn pet :grimacing:

As long as you Essex boys don’t start coming up to Geordieland it’s fine :laughing:

i’ll be there next year.
get to newcastle a fair bit, top night out :grimacing:

Ahhhh!!! Essex The home of the great “White Flight” from London! :laughing:

5% are Muslims?

Something wrong there. Is there a digit missing from that figure?

I wonder what the real figure is including the illegals which are off the radar :question: :question:

Unfortunately London Is becoming a Minority Majority City just like L.A. & New York…

In fact most major cities throughout Europe are becoming this way…

It also turns out that in the UK your never more then 6 feet from a rat.

Thats the good news folks.

The bad news is your never more then 2 feet away from a bloody Eastern European. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: