Censor machine?

is whatever programme that’s used substitute banned words working ok? Zb is cropping up in some strange places tonite. It even replaced spo*t with zb!

its not a programme it is loaded manualy,somebody is messing with it may i suggest it gets sorted soon ,

so the word suggest is one of them

its not a programme it is loaded manualy,somebody is messing with it may i [zb] it gets sorted soon ,

so the word suggest is one of them

It is a programme, and its ‘intuitive’, it learns who speaks ■■■■ and who doesn’t !!!

It seems to not like words containing the letters S and T !

so is the, sat and spo*t

My guess is someone has added a word for crap which begins with s and has used * as a wildcard and they haven’t thought it through so it is pulling a lot of words with s and t in them. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Either that or the censor has gone to sh… er crap. :wink:

Ah I get it! aye I reckon you’ve got it Coffee!

Someone’s tried to beat those who use the * to star out naughty words and have forgotten the netiquette of the wildcards!

Who’d give us laymen PC’s eh :wink:


Ah I get it! aye I reckon you’ve got it Coffee!

Someone’s tried to beat those who use the * to star out naughty words and have forgotten the netiquette of the wildcards!

Exactly. It’s not the first time it has happened. Stick in a * or 2 when adding a new word, or copy and paste someone’s creative attempt to beat the censor, and it just [zb]'s way too many words. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley:

Either that or the censor has gone to sh… er crap.

i got some crap once about using the the word scrapyard,mind you it was all crap realy

I wondered why s-t-a-r-t got bleeped.

I wondered why PAT S-H-O-R-T-T had turned to PAT [zb].

Won’t have these either:



We had better start talking in old english where the s is replaced by th.

Tho, for all you ath holeth that cannot thpell. Thtick to Old Englith :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Tho, for all you ath holeth that cannot thpell. Thtick to Old Englith

It theemth ath though you are an th miththing! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: There are 2 th in athth holeth ithn’t there?

I’ll get me coat.


Tho, for all you ath holeth that cannot thpell. Thtick to Old Englith

It theemth ath though you are an th miththing! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: There are 2 th in athth holeth ithn’t there?

I’ll get me coat.

Bugger!!! :angry: :angry: :blush: :blush:

You two have just made me thpit my coffee over the flippin’ keyboard and thcreen!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My guess is someone has added a word for crap which begins with s and has used * as a wildcard and they haven’t thought it through so it is pulling a lot of words with s and t in them. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Either that or the censor has gone to sh… er crap. :wink:

good guess :wink: it’s sorted now :exclamation:

Denis F:
good guess :wink: it’s sorted now :exclamation:

:laughing: This is a bit like the guy who couldn’t say the letter “C” :wink:

:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: The silly bunt was attacked by a bat.:grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

The silly bunt was attacked by a bat.:grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah :exclamation: A cat :laughing: :laughing:


The silly bunt was attacked by a bat.:grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah :exclamation: A cat :laughing: :laughing:

no a bat!

can you say the letter K ?

Denis F:


The silly bunt was attacked by a bat.:grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah :exclamation: A cat :laughing: :laughing:

no a bat!

can you say the letter K ?

Oh yes. Khaki, king, kettle, Kuwait, Kings’ Bollege Bambridge :laughing: :laughing:

albatross albatross albatross