Cemex- ringwood

Route in please guys loading 20 mm for Preston in the morning

Thanks in advance guys

Tough one, could be off a338 or in the other side. Hopefully signed when you get down there

I would imagine it would be the one just off the A338. Come off the A31 at Ringwood and head north on A338. Carry on past a BP garage on your right, Farm Machinery sales on your left and its just after there on LHS as you come out of the 40 zone

I’d say he’s probly stuck in a field somewhere mate but good info!

I would imagine it would be the one just off the A338. Come off the A31 at Ringwood and head north on A338. Carry on past a BP garage on your right, Farm Machinery sales on your left and its just after there on LHS as you come out of the 40 zone

That is correct,come off at the junction for where the trucks can park overnight and head north on the A338 go past a garage on the right and it comes up on the left not long after. Keep an eye out for the sign though! :smiley:

When the cheerful woman on the weighbridge abruptly says “YES?!” on the intercom, don’t answer “Big Mac and fries.” She isn’t amuzed by it.
