
Hi as a cab hopper tramper does anyone know how to get a cb set up that you can move from truck to truck each week

Hi as a cab hopper tramper does anyone know how to get a cb set up that you can move from truck to truck each week

i used to screw the cb, speaker and voltage dropper on a piece of plywood, plug it into a power supply and use a mag mount twig, job done.
cheers diesel

Cheers mate will try that

Mag mount with a short whip, so it can go on a high roof, 12v lighter plug and I used to keep mine on one of those non slip dash pads

Don’t know why trampers should have to “cab hop” in this day and age. Some company’s take the ■■■■.

diesel dan:

Hi as a cab hopper tramper does anyone know how to get a cb set up that you can move from truck to truck each week

i used to screw the cb, speaker and voltage dropper on a piece of plywood, plug it into a power supply and use a mag mount twig, job done.
cheers diesel

This ^^^^, as I’ve also done this In the past…

get the boss to put cb’s in all the trucks. :wink:

Get an old camera flight case…put radio …dropper, burner all in the case, when finished just close the case off you go…easy, get the little will antenna by Wilson allin one very strong , sticks like a limpit and comes with a decent ammount of coax for routing round the cab out the way, shytalk. :sunglasses:

Cant say as anyone uses them any more do they?

Love my cb say hi

Lonewolf Yorks:
Cant say as anyone uses them any more do they?

I couldn’t do without mine.

Anybody else picking up the Russian sounding woman who seems to be on every [zb]ing channel no matter where you are?

She’s doing my ■■■■ in. :imp:


Lonewolf Yorks:
Cant say as anyone uses them any more do they?

I couldn’t do without mine.

Anybody else picking up the Russian sounding woman who seems to be on every [zb]ing channel no matter where you are?

She’s doing my ■■■■ in. :imp:

CB is a must in my job.

She does my head in too :unamused:

tango boy:
She does my head in too :unamused:

What is that all about? My mate reckons it’s a Russian taxi firm with super powerful transmitter.

Without CB my job would be ten times the ball ache it is I honestly don’t know how TJ and the like manage without them on planing


tango boy:
She does my head in too :unamused:

What is that all about? My mate reckons it’s a Russian taxi firm with super powerful transmitter.

I thought she was Polish lol The powerful transmitter thing could be right but isn’t it something to do with the weather or something like that■■?

diesel dan:

Hi as a cab hopper tramper does anyone know how to get a cb set up that you can move from truck to truck each week

i used to screw the cb, speaker and voltage dropper on a piece of plywood, plug it into a power supply and use a mag mount twig, job done.
cheers diesel

You can also get one way one pin plugs (1 pin, 1 socket in each plug). Set it up so you can plug into a 12v power socket and bypass your dropper if you need to. Use a good combined cig lighter/hella socket plug to give you that option too.
My transportable CB board had a little map reading light on it. Useful for checking what voltage supply I had before blowing up my CB (again) :smiley:

I think (thinking back to the 80’s) its called Skip or DX, this is atmospheric bouncing, if the conditions are right the waves or whatever are hitting the atmosphere and bouncing down and you can hear transmissions from many other countries.

Anyway, I have a CB in my offroad toy but we cant have them in the wagon :frowning:

Don’t know why trampers should have to “cab hop” in this day and age. Some company’s take the ■■■■.

Oh lord. The cidre get’s stronger by the year!

I think (thinking back to the 80’s) its called Skip or DX, this is atmospheric bouncing, if the conditions are right the waves or whatever are hitting the atmosphere and bouncing down and you can hear transmissions from many other countries.

Anyway, I have a CB in my offroad toy but we cant have them in the wagon :frowning:

Aye, skip for us CBers, DX if you’re a radio ham :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
It bounces off the ionoshere (buggered if I know exactly what that is, so don’t ask :smiley: ).
I often get breakers from Yorkshire when I’m heading down through Germany. And that flamin’ Polish woman keeps breaking through where ever I am.
No point complaining to ofcom these days, we don’t pay for CB licences anymore.
There wouldn’t have been much point even in the days when we were supposed to pay for licences, they always complained they didn’t have the funds or the man/woman power, or something equally feeble.

For the first time in 35 years I no longer have a CB in a vehicle, still got several CB’s with a working CB hooked up as a homebase, as I live near three large quarries. Had some good times on CB and found them very helpful.
I will quite possibly put one back in one of my vehicles.