
Hi all this might of been covered before but was wondering which is the best value and overall best Cb radio available at the moment… :smiley:

Ive got 2 a midland 38 and a Allan 78plus. I bought the Allan brand new from pops for £84 + £20 for a sirio ml145 ariel and magmount that was 18months ago and had no probs. Since then I got the midland 38 for a carboot for £10 witha ariel and it works fine. Or have a look on ebay theres usally some good geals on there.

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quinny dont be such a grump!

why not try a starter pack and build from there thats what i am about to do

i’d save my money. I paid £80 for a cb and all i ever get on it is radio 1, i have radio1. Why people do that?

get one with sideband on so if your bored try a little dxing lol


Nice cheap set and dual voltage encase your not sure of the power (or dont want to arse about with a dropper)

Ive had this one for just over year and half and no problems with it, ive just changed it as i broke it, well, dropped it out of the cab :laughing:

I only use mine really when running with a few of the other guys at varying distances and performs well :sunglasses:

Mr B:
i’d save my money. I paid £80 for a cb and all i ever get on it is radio 1, i have radio1. Why people do that?

Is it Coffeeholic who plays all that wierd music that I pick up on Radio 4 as I pass Dunstable & Luton :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a look on EBay always lots of CB gear at decent Price’s


I got one of these…not to expensive and you can upgrade if and when you feel neccessary


trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. … ight=radio

what he said :sunglasses: