CB in Volvo fh4

Hi guys I drive a Volvo fh4, me and the lads at work are looking to put CB into them anyone done it? Just need a bit of help had a look behind blanker plates for aerial lead but can’t see one.

There isn’t an aerial lead. And you need to move the sun blind button and leave one of the Bluetooth mics behind the switches

Ok thanks, where abouts did you take your live for it.

There’s a 12v feed into the back of the light dial. Use a multimeter to find the right combination of wires

Nice one. Take it you’ve done this before on a fh4? Where abouts did you run the wire for the aerial? N what did you do about an aerial?

Mag mount on the back. Run the coax down the inside of the air kit, cut the end off to feed it through the bung in the drivers side locker. Chase it up the seem between side and back wall, then along the shelf above the door, in the side of the front lockers. Solder on a new end and bobs your uncle

Don’t sound to difficult. Cheers mate. Once it’s all installed does it need tuning in? N how do you do that?

You need an swr meter for that. Search it on YouTube