CB Handles

On another site, I read a couple of people talking about CB “handles”. Do you all really use them?? :open_mouth:

Nope, haven’t had a CB for about 12 years. These days I use a GSM CB, although some people call them mobile phones. :wink: :smiley:

i,ve got a cb but it not to good in a erf, so i tend not to use it, i dont think people use a handles anymore,

Got a cb in my ERF, use a down plain aerial, works well over short distances, never used ‘handle’ though :smiley:

I used to use one years ago, when it was used the way it should be used, nowadays, when you see someone it’s: Hey John, are you in there? I tried to ask for a 10/13 the other week going down the M6, nobody came back to me :open_mouth:

I read this on the P.D.A. by the way :confused:

During the 80’s everyone who drove the M1 at night knew the handle ‘Plasticbag’ :laughing:

there i are people i know and there parents who have known me as long that only know my handle HITCHHKER or hitch for short t(hats not going for a short by the way)

Lucky for you fellow ERF drivers that I spotted this post. Ive found that fitting a set of twin trucker aerials to the mirror arms has worked wonders. I run a Harrier CBX which was tweaked to 8 watts by the previous owner. I spoke to a lady breaker from St Ives in Cornwall from my base in Ilkeston. Before anyone says anything, I did not have a linear fitted, just that the skip was good on that particular day. My handle is BLACK SHEEP by the way and if Im not on ch 19 you might catch me on ch 32

My handle is Lightnin and has been for over 10 years.

I use a Maycom 80 channel now, its ok but its got a really stupid fault. It has an LED display, behing a polarised glass panel. The problem is that its polarised in the opposite plane to my polarised shades :confused: so it goes totaly black when I put my shades on. Very stupid really, because shades will only be polarised on one plane, to cut down on reflections off horizontal surfaces. Why haven’t they polarised the display so that I can read it with my shades on?

I used to have an old Amstrad 901. I don’t think it had been tweaked, but I regularly used to speak to a guy in Knightswood, from Newbridge. It got nicked from the boot of my car, several years ago.

cornish trucker:
Got a cb in my ERF, use a down plain aerial, works well over short distances, never used ‘handle’ though :smiley:

if you have a mirror mount just run a single wire from the base of the mount to any bolt connected to the chassis, even the door hinge will do… You will get an amazing reception.

Used to be called Bad Man back in the UK. Thanks to some kid seeing me in an MSA, and whilst looking at me as well as pointing straight at me asked his Mum “is that a Bad Man”, two of our drivers were with me and heard it, pee’ed themsellves laughing and decided that should be my CB Handle from then onwards.
When I first came over here the Yanks re=christened me Teabag…on account of all the tea I drink, later while working for a company driving a 17 toner (Ford Cargo) I kept getting referred to as ‘the Brit’ or ‘that Brit’, so in the end I came a to accept that as my CB handle, I did try to cahnge it to British Bulldog, which although most of the drivers I know personaly know me as that, most people when I tell 'em on the CB can’t understand me when I tell them my full handle, so I just revert back to the Short and sweet ’ Brit ',(even Brit can have it’s problems with my accent and the Yanks understanding of it, it’s amazing how Brit can be heard as Brat, Brick, Brut etc :laughing: )
I have just found another British Driver based in Atlanta who has British Bulldog for his Handle, so I suppose thats another reason to stick with Brit , I’m also hoping to get him to join our site.

My handle was Cannonball,seemed like a good idea at the time :unamused:

I took that name back when Noah was a boy and was running a Midland AM set.
There’s a CB fitted in the Volvo,but I never use it now.

Why do you use a CB handle? :confused:

Why do you use a CB handle? :confused:

Two reasons really firstly copying the USA and when CB first was around in the UK it was illegal and handles made sure that to a degree you were anonymous.

By the way mine is shogun (not after the 4 x 4 but I had one of the first shogun CB rigs in the UK) Since using a Uniden 100.


Those were the days before it came legal the old AM days I had a Formac 120, it was a dam good rig I should have kept it. When my old car blew up I was forced to move in the old pig sty { Mum & Dad wouldn’t have it in the house.} & stick the ariel on a 12" square bit of steel mounted on the roof. That was when I lived Nr Stamford, Lincs & my handle was “Deputy Dog”. I did try the legal rigs but no it was not the same. We had CB club in our area Riverside Breakers, Church Town Breakers of Stamford we had another club which I was chairman of for a short time but cant remember the name of …doh :blush: . We raised quite a bit of cash to buy our local handicapped school a CB & extra bits so they could listen & talk to us. Also we used to have Foxhunts where you sent a car out to hide somewhere & every 5-10mins transmit for a short time & they had to find you just on siganl strength…ah those where the days.

i used to have a cobra in the old am days went under the handle rib counter.then changed it to cheekie chappie.had a midland on fm but the fun went out of it.

we used to have cb clubs. i.e. BTB biscuit town breakers who used to meet at reading university on a sun night in su bar.

there was also a pub called the osbourne arms in readin we use to take over on a mon nite.

happy days

The Driller,sandbagger 234, delta tango 1132 those where the days!!