cb antenna

what do you use? thunderpole.co.uk/antenna-ma … e-wil.html. would something like this do the job no probs and give a decent range?

I experimented with loads of antennas over the years Wilson are one of, if not the best
I preferred to used the Wilson 5000 for UK/ EU cb bands, which I still have,and use on my car for Ham bands.

Sirio Performer are the best. All the American CBers on the worldwidedx.com CB forum are going over to the Sirios and to a man they’ve all noticed far better performance. Those Wilsons suffer from a common fault of water ingress into the bottom section which corrodes the mechanical connection between the coil and the whip.

I don’t think Wilsons are made in the US anymore, but I agree Sirio High Power and Performer ranges are the best down on that part of the RF spectrum.
Just remember they use the PL259/SO239 fittings (As do nearly all Ham VHF/UHF mobile antennae) and not the HF standard 3/8 UNF

When i started with CBs, a DV27 was a basic good ariel, but the best one to have at the time if you had the money, was a K40.
thunderpole.co.uk/medium-cb- … -whip.html

When i started with CBs, a DV27 was a basic good ariel, but the best one to have at the time if you had the money, was a K40.
thunderpole.co.uk/medium-cb- … -whip.html

One on each mirror was even better :smiley: with a can holder on the drivers side :laughing:

I have three Modulators. All give good swr and have a good range (18ish miles along M4 corridor, 8ish miles in the valleys of Wales).
A springer. Good swr, reasonable range. (15 miles along M4 corridor, 5 miles in the Welsh valleys). Mainly used on my 4x4
A Thunderpole Excalibur. Bad SWR and un-tunable. About 5 miles range along M4 corridor. But I put a 25 watt burner on it and got 80 miles tx distance. rx was still crap.
A cherokee. Good SWR. Same range as the springer.
A cherokee half breed. (I think that is what its called. Has the coil half way up the whip) Good swr, less pop and crackle on RX. But Range about 10 miles along m4 corridor. Also on a small mag mount, it is prone to falling over.
A centre loaded Modulator. Good swr, less pop and crackle, 15 mile range along M4 corridor, but no good at all for mag mounts, and bends in icy weather.

Most important is the SWR. A crap aerial with good SWR will out preform a brilliant aerial with crap SWR. And when setting the SWR, always go to the nearest high hill where you can get on the brow or thereabouts, well away from any built up area. Get the SWR spot on here, it will be brilliant everywhere.
Setting the SWR in a built up area is pointless. The amount of wifi, mobile phones, microwaves, anything that produces radio interference within a built up area, will all effect the SWR.

Most important is the SWR. A crap aerial with good SWR will out preform a brilliant aerial with crap SWR.

Err no really it won’t. The only thing low SWR does is ensure you don’t blow the finals in your radio and lowers the loss in the coax. SWR has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of an antenna. If it did I wouldn’t be getting first in England and first in world in class in some of the amateur radio contests because the SWR of my antenna on some bands is >80:1 when I modelled it.

A crap aerial with good SWR is still a crap aerial. A dummy load or 50 Ohm resistor has the best SWR of all but it makes a crap aerial and you won’t be heard very far.

The amount of wifi, mobile phones, microwaves, anything that produces radio interference within a built up area, will all effect the SWR.

They have bugger all to do with affecting SWR. Please stop giving advice on this as its obvious you don’t know much.


The amount of wifi, mobile phones, microwaves, anything that produces radio interference within a built up area, will all effect the SWR.

They have bugger all to do with affecting SWR. Please stop giving advice on this as its obvious you don’t know much.

Sorry, I meant squelch, not SWR.

I also stand by my comment made about crap aerials with bad SWR will out perform good aerials with bad SWR. Maybe not with your obviously fancy set up, but with a standard 40 channel FM CB I have found this to be the case.

A Stinger Springer is the best mobile aerial to get for a vehicle, it is pre-tuned and doesn’t need SWR. I used them for years and they are unbreakable and will out perform most of the expensive twigs.

Just get a modulator, SWR it up, and of you go… i could do birmingham and stoke on trent from the tops above oldham on the EU 40 on mine NO problems!

infact i still have mine, and wont part with it! Dont use CB bands anymore, since i got licensed as a ham… but “just in case” its there if i need it :slight_smile:



No bugger speaks on them anymore anyway. Biggest waste of money I’ve thrown at my motor